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A translator from Fortran90/Fortran77(ISO/IEC 1539:1991) to C++

Fortran is an efficient tool in scientific calculation. However sometimes translating old fortran codes to C++ will enable more programming abstraction, better GUI framework support, higher performance IDE and easier interaction.

This translator is not intended to improve existing codes, but to make convenience for those who need features of C++ and remain fortran traits as much as possible.


The whole project, including both the translator itself and fortran standrad library implementation is distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 2, June 1991

Calvin Neo
Copyright (C) 2016  Calvin Neo

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.



Build Translator

My Configuration:

  • translator

    1. vs2015(Update 3)
    2. win_flex(win_flex_bison 2.4.5, flex 2.5.37)
    3. win_bison(win_flex_bison 2.4.5, bison 2.7)
    4. boost(1.60)
  • build boost

bjam --toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64
  • configure boost

    1. add boost_dir directory to additional include library
    2. add boost_dir/libs and boost_dir/stage/lib to additional library directory
  • configure win_flex and win_bison

    1. On the Project menu, choose Project Dependencies.
    2. Select Custom Build Tools
    3. Add /build/custom_build_rules/win_flex_bison_custom_build.props

Use fortran standard library

fortran standard library requires compiler support at least C++14 standard


-f file_name : translate file_name into C++
-d : use debug mode
-C : use c-style array


Only fatal errors hinderring parsing will be reported by translator.

Debug origin fortran code or generated C++ code is recommended.


demos provided in demos

fortran standard library

include for90std/for90std.h to use C++ implementation of intrinsic fortran functions and language features

inherit function mapping

type and type cast function

fortran C++
INTEGER() to_int
REAL() to_double
LOGICAL() to_bool
COMPLEX() to_forcomplex
CHARACTER() to_string


fortran C++
min min_n
max max_n


refer types:array

IO function mapping

unit id mapping

fortran C++
* stdin/stdout
5 stdin
6 stdout
id get_file(id)

file function mapping

fortran C++
open foropenfile
close forclosefile

IO formatter mapping

fortran C++
* and (*,*) forscanfree/forprintfree
(*,formatter) forscan/forprint
(device_id,*) forreadfree/forwritefree
(device_id,formatter) forread/forwrite

translation results and restrictions

refer to /grammar/for90.y for all accepted grammar


  1. you can rename keyword parameter in interface block
  2. you can use anonymous grammar structures
  3. variable definitions and interfaces is not forced before any other statements
    1. you can initialize array immediately like integer,dimension(3)::A = (/1, 2, 3/), in gfortran you must assign initial value after all variables/arrays are defined


type mapping

fortran C++
INTEGER(unspecified kind) int
INTEGER(kind = 1) int8_t
INTEGER(kind = 2) int16_t
INTEGER(kind = 8) int32_t
INTEGER(kind = 1) int64_t
REAL(unspecified kind) double
REAL(kind <= 4) float
REAL(kind = 4) double
REAL(kind = 8) long double
COMPLEX struct forcomplex
CHARACTER std::string
array farray<T>


fortran-style array and c-style array

  1. fortran store array in a column-first order
    • for a 2d array, it means when initializing a 1d array by sequence, it follows the order of a(1)(1) -> a(2)(1) -> a(1)(2) -> a(1)(2)
    • similarly, for a nd array, rank 1 increase by 1 first, when rank 1 equals to upper bound it wrap back and rank 2 increase by 1..., rank n increase the last.
    • for details refer to array_builder rule in /grammar/for90.y
  2. fortran array default lower bound for each rank is 1, and it can be negative; each dimension of C++ style array has constant lower bound 0
  3. fortran array rank start from 1, C++ array dimension start from 0, parameter for most for- functions are index of rank, though they are called "dim" in standard, they are called fordim in this implementation
  4. #define USE_FORARRAY to use fortran style array, #define USE_CARRAY to use c style array
  5. farray set no limit to rank, in fortran90, the maximun rank is 7


struct slice_info<T> implement for a slice in fortran

  1. slice_info<T>{T x}: stands for the scalar x, x is an index not a range
  2. slice_info<T>{T x, T y}: x, y stands for a range of [x, y] of default step 1
  3. slice_info<T>{T x, T y, T z}: x, y, z stands for a range of [x, y] step z


farray is a multi-dimentional valarray

DON'T call member function of farray directly

  1. construct an array

    • construct an array by given lower bound and size of each dimension

      farray<T>(int dimension, Iterator lower_bound, Iterator size)
      farray<T>(const size_type(&lower_bound)[D], const size_type(&size)[D])
    • construct an array by given lower bound and size of each dimension, and assign an 1d list to the array

      farray<T>(const size_type(&lower_bound)[D], const size_type(&size)[D], Iterator begin, Iterator end)
      farray<T>(const size_type(&lower_bound)[D], const size_type(&size)[D], const T(&values)[X])
    • implicitly construct an 1d array from a scalar

      farray<T>(const T & scalar)
    • construct an array by given lower bound and size of each dimension, and assign another array's value(NOT including shape) to the array

      farray(const size_type(&lower_bound)[D], const size_type(&size)[D], const farray<T> & m)
    • construct an array by given lower bound and size of each dimension, and assign another array's value(AND shape) to the array

      farray(const farray<T> & m) // copy constructor
  2. assign value to an array

    ALL these functions do NOT change the shape of farr itself. They practically called operator=

    • assign from a list:

      farr = make_init_list(Iterator list_begin, Iterator list_end)
      farr = make_init_list(const T(&values)[X])
    • assign from implied do-loop important: from and to arguments do NOT indicate the shape of farr. they indicate the implied do-loop will loop from from[dimension] to to[dimension] in each dimension

      farr = make_init_list(const fsize_t(&from)[D], const fsize_t(&size)[D], F f)
    • assign from a scalar

      farr = make_init_list(const T & scalar)
    • assign from a list of a scalar repeated by repeat times

      farr = make_init_list(int repeat, const T & scalar)
    • assign from a farray this function will return exactly a copy of m

      farr = make_init_list(const farray<T> & m)
    • assign from a list of farrays all farrs must be of the same type farray<T>

      forconcat(const farray<T>(&farrs)[X])
  3. assign value to an array and change its shape

    set farr 's shape and value equal to given argument x

    farr.copy_from(const farray<T> & x)
  4. create a view from an array a view varr of array farr is another farray<T>, it shares physical storage with original farr. if farr is destructed, accessing data of varr us undefined behaviour

    the only way to create a view is by several constructor, and pass optional argument isview = true

    farray(const size_type(&lower_bound)[D], const size_type(&size)[D], const farray<T> & m, bool isview = false)
  5. array traits

function usage
.flatsize() get total number of elements in the array
forconcat(x, y) concat array x and y
fortran intrinsic functions
fortran C++
get a(1, 2, 3, 4) or a({1, 2, 3, 4}) or a[{1, 2, 3, 4}] or forslice(a, {1, 2, 3, 4})
forslice a[{{1, 3, 1}, {1, 4}, {5}, {}}] or forslice(a, {{1, 3, 1}, {1, 4}, {5}}, {})
reshape forreshape
spread not implemented yet
transpose fortranspose fortran standard only defined rank 2 situation, for this implementation, the result will be a array with reversed rank
maxloc, minloc, maxval, minval formaxloc, forminloc, formaxval, formaxloc
sum, product forsum, forproduct call operator+ and operator*
any, all, count forany, forall, forcount forall is NOT fortran95's forall
pack, unpack not implemented yet
merge formerge
size, lbound, ubound forsize, forlbound, forubound
matmul, dot_product not implemented yet
eoshift, cshift not implemented yet


for1array is a 1-dimentional dynamic array

  1. initialize an array ways to initialize an for1array

    • with f1a_init(array, lower_bound, size, values) to init array, in which
      1. array is reference of a defined array you want to init
      2. lower_bound is the lower bound of every dimension(from left to right) in this array
      3. size is the size of every dimension in this array
      4. values is std::vector of initialize list
    • with f1a_gen and return a copy directly
    • with constructor for1array(lower_bound, size, values)
    • with f1a_init_hiddendo in /for90std/for1array.h to init array by implied do-loop
  2. array traits

function usage
f1a_flattern(array) get flatterned size of an array
f1a_gettype<T>::type get innermost type of an array
f1a_flatmap(array, begin_iterator, end_iterator, lambda) return a vector of all elements mapped by function lambda in fortran/c order


  1. variable names in fortran is case-insensitive, and their names will be translated into lower case.
  2. variable names that conflicts with C++ keywords and std functions will be renamed with a R_ surffix

common block

common blocks, can be accessed by any of the scoping units in an executable program

|common statement|C++ code| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |INTEGER::A; COMMON A| int & a = G.a | |INTEGER::B; COMMON /COMMON_NAME/ B| int & b = COMMON_NAME.b | |COMMON C| T & c = G.c | |COMMON /COMMON_NAME/ D| T & c = COMMON_NAME.c |

where T conform to fortran's implicit type deduction(refer fortran 77 standard support for detail) each commom block will be create a singleton struct

    T1 _1;
    T2 _2;
    /* common variables */

if this common block is an unamed block, COMMON_NAME is by default G

subroutines and functions

parameter tables

  1. remove all definition of local variables which is also in parameter list
  2. optional parameter: instead of c-style optional parameter, wrap optional parameters with foroptional<T>, function forpresent functions as present function in fortran90
  3. keyword/named parameter: C++ don't support keyword parameters, all keyword parameter will be reorganized in normal paramtable


  1. replace all interface with forward declaration when necessary

attribute specification statements

The INTENT (IN) attribute specifies that the dummy argument must not be redefined or become undefined during the execution of the procedure.

The INTENT (OUT) attribute specifies that the dummy argument must be defined before a reference to the dummy argument is made within the procedure and any actual argument that becomes associated with such a dummy argument must be definable. On invocation of the procedure, such a dummy argument becomes undefined.

The INTENT (INOUT) attribute specifies that the dummy argument is intended for use both to receive data from and to return data to the invoking scoping unit. Any actual argument that becomes associated with such a dummy argument must be definable.

If no INTENT attribute is specified for a dummy argument, its use is subject to the limitations of the associated actual argument (,,

intent parameter save result
/ / / refer fortran 77 standard support
ignore / save static
ignore parameter save static const
ignore parameter / const T
in ignore / const T &
out ignore / T &
inout ignore / T &


  1. defined operators is not supported

intrinsic operators

fortran intrinsic operators C++
.and. &&
.or. &&
.eqv. !(A^B)
.neqv. ^
.eq. ==
.neq. !=
.gt. >
.ge. >=
.lt. <
.le. <=

fortran 77 standard support

fixed form

3.3.2 Fixed source form In fixed source form, there are restrictions on where a statement may appear within a line. If a source line contains only default kind characters, it must contain exactly 72 characters; otherwise, its maximum number of characters is processor dependent. Except in a character context, blanks are insignificant and may be used freely throughout the program. Fixed form commentary The character "!" initiates a comment except when it appears within a character context or in character position

  1. The comment extends to the end of the line. If the first nonblank character on a line is an "!" in any character position other than character position 6, the line is a comment line. Lines beginning with a "C" or "*" in character position 1 and lines containing only blanks are also comments. Comments may appear anywhere within a program unit and may precede the first statement of the program unit. Comments have no effect on the interpretation of the program unit. Fixed form statement separation The character ";" separates statements, or partial statements, on a single source line except when it appears in a character context or in a comment. If a ";" separator is followed by zero or more blanks and one or more ";" separators, the sequence from the first ";" to the last, inclusive, is interpreted as a single ";" separator. A ";" separator that is the last nonblank character on a line, or the last nonblank character ahead of commentary, is ignored. Fixed form statement continuation Except within commentary, character position 6 is used to indicate continuation. If character position 6 contains a blank or zero, this line is the initial line of a new statement which begins in character position 7. If character position 6 contains any character other than blank or zero, character positions 7-72 of this line constitute a continuation of the preceding noncomment line. Note that an "!" or ";" in character position 6 indicates a continuation of the preceding noncomment line. Comment lines cannot be continued. Comment lines may occur within a continued statement.

In order to support some old fortran codes, a tab '\t' at the beginning of one line is also treated as the 5 characters indent


5.3 IMPLICIT statement In a scoping unit, an IMPLICIT statement specifies a type, and possibly type parameters, for all implicitly typed data entities whose names begin with one of the letters specified in the statement. Alternatively, it may indicate that no implicit typing rules are to apply in a particular scoping unit.

In each scoping unit, there is a mapping, which may be null, between each of the letters A, B, ..., Z and a type (and type parameters). An IMPLICIT statement specifies the mapping for the letters in its letter-spec-list. IMPLICIT NONE specifies the null mapping for all the letters. If a mapping is not specified for a letter, the default for a program unit or an interface body is default integer if the letter is I, J, ..., or N and default real otherwise, and the default for an internal or module procedure is the mapping in the host scoping unit.

Any data entity that is not explicitly declared by a type declaration statement, is not an intrinsic function, and is not made accessible by use association or host association is declared implicitly to be of the type (and type parameters) mapped from the first letter of its name, provided the mapping is not null. Note that the mapping can be to a derived type that is inaccessible in the local scope if the derived type is accessible to the host scope. The data entity is treated as if it were declared in an explicit type declaration in the outermost scoping unit in which it appears. An explicit type specification in a FUNCTION statement overrides an IMPLICIT statement for the name of that function subprogram.

implicit parameters table

Not all parameters in a paramtable need to be declared explicitly in the function body, if the parameter

  1. used in both paramtable and the function body fortran 90 standard
  2. used only in paramtable implicit definition conforming to fortran 77 standard

subroutines and functions

attribute specification statements

fortran77 programs do not specify intent:

fortran C++
literals(right value) T
left value T &


refer to /


A translator from Fortran to C++.








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  • C++ 67.3%
  • Yacc 26.9%
  • Lex 4.0%
  • C 1.6%
  • Other 0.2%