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wrmXpress GUI

A Dash GUI for wrmXpress


GitHub release (with filter) GitHub Release Date - Published_At


GitHub Workflow Status (with event) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls


GitHub Actions Workflow Status

Installation and usage

Prerequisites - Install Docker Desktop

  1. Create a folder that contains all the input images. This folder is where temporary working files/images will be stored, where output data will be written, and will be mounted as a volume in the Docker container.

  2. Start the Docker engine and open up the Dashboard.

  3. Use the search bar to find and pull the latest images from DockerHub:

    • wheelern/wrmxpress_gui
    • zamanianlab/wrmxpress

    Choose the most recent tags. The compressed images are >1.5 GB and >7 GB respectively, so they will take a few minutes to pull.

    step 2
  4. In the Images pane and Local tab, click the Run symbol.

    step 3
  5. Under Optional settings, make the following changes:

    • Under Ports, set the Host port to 9000
    • Under Volumes, set the Host and Container paths to be the path to the working directory created in step #1 (in the example below, the Host path is /Users/njwheeler/mount)
    • Add a new volume by clicking the + syumbol and set the Host and Container paths to /var/run/docker.sock
    step 3
  6. Click Run

  7. Click the link to 9000:9000 or navigate to http://localhost:9000 to view the app.

    step 4
  8. Follow the guidance in the GUI to prepare and run your analysis.

    step 5