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kallisto task for RNA-seq

This task provides a convenience wrapper around kallisto. It can compute gene quantifications from reads in FASTQ format or build a kallisto index from transcript sequences in FASTA format.


We encourage running this task as a Docker image, which is publicly available through GitHub packages. To pull the image, first install Docker, then run

docker pull

The task requires a pre-built kallisto index to be provided. A kallisto index can be built from one or more FASTA files with gene or transcript sequences by running this task:

docker run \
    --volume /path/to/inputs:/input \
    --volume /path/to/outputs:/output \ \
    java -jar /app/kallisto.jar index \
        --sequence /input/seq1.fa --sequence /input/seq2.fa \
        --output /output/index.idx

Then, to perform quantifications, simply run:

docker run \
    --volume /path/to/inputs:/input \
    --volume /path/to/outputs:/output \ \
    java -jar /app/kallisto.jar quant \
        --r1 /input/r1.fastq.gz --r2 /input/r2.fastq.gz \
        --index /input/index.idx --output-directory /output

This will produce an output directory containing quantifications (output.abundance.tsv).



name description default
sequence path to input FASTA sequences; many can be provided (required)
output path to output file; if it exists, it will be overwritten (required)
kmer-size the kmer size to use 31
make-unique if set, sequences with duplicate names are made unique false


name description default
r1 path to single-end or pair 1 reads in FASTQ format (required)
r2 path to pair 2 reads in FASTQ format (none)
output-directory directory in which to write output (required)
strandedness set if reads are from one strand; forward, reverse, or unstranded unstranded
output-prefix prefix to use when naming output files output
fragment-length fragment length, required for single-end reads (none)
sd-fragment-length SD of fragment length, required for single-end reads (none)
cores number of cores available to the task 1
ram-gb gigabytes of RAM available to the task 16

For developers

The task provides integrated unit testing, which quantifies a small number of reads against a human mitochondrial index and checks that the outputs match expected values. To run the tests, first install Docker and Java, then clone this repo, then run


Contributions to the code are welcome via pull request.