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Repertoire is still in development

Repertoire is a Playwright reporter & dashboard that records your end-to-end test runs.

This setup is written for a simple use-case of keeping all test runs visible in one place.
There is currently no support for the following: (but they may be supported in the future)

  • Webhooks
  • Auth (anyone can push and view test runs)
  • Multi-tenancy

Getting started

This guide assumes you're running the stack with docker-compose locally, but you can easily write the deployment to a kubernetes cluster.

Docker compose

Copy docker-compose.yml to your own environment and run

docker-compose up -d

Playwright config

npm install repertoire-reporter
# or
yarn add repertoire-reporter
# or
pnpm add repertoire-reporter
export default defineConfig({
  reporter: [["repertoire-reporter", { url: "http://localhost:3000" }]],

By default, a random simple hash is assigned to your run. You can alternatively set RUN_ID in your environment variable to assign it yourself. You should do this in CI with your pipeline or commit id.

Configuring for CI



If you wish to contribute, these are pre-requisite steps for a local setup:

Dependencies & Prisma

The package manager of choice is pnpm

# Install all dependencies
pnpm i

# Generate prisma client
cd apps/web
pnpm run prisma:generate

Mongo & Minio

Start both minio and mongodb instances with docker-compose

cd apps/web
docker-compose up

Create a .env file in apps/web with the following strings, change it according to your setup


Starting dev server

Now you should be able to run pnpm dev in the root directory and run tests in the packages/reporter folder.