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TwbBundle, v2.0

(Twitter Bootstrap v3.*)

Work in progress to supports Twitter Bootstrap v3.*

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NOTE : If you want to contribute don't hesitate, I'll review any PR.


TwbBundle is a module for Zend Framework 2, for easy integration of the Twitter Bootstrap v3.*.


If you wish to contribute to TwbBundle, please read both the file.

Demonstration / example

Render forms, buttons, alerts with TwbBundle : see it in action on-line.



Main Setup

By cloning project (manual)

  1. Clone this project into your ./vendor/ directory.
  2. (Optionnal) Clone the Twitter bootstrap project (v3.*) into your ./vendor/ directory.

With composer (the faster way)

  1. Add this project in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "neilime/zf2-twb-bundle": "2.*@stable"
  2. Now tell composer to download TwbBundle by running the command:

    $ php composer.phar update

Post installation

  1. Enabling it in your application.config.php file.

    return array(
        'modules' => array(
            // ...
        // ...
  2. Include Twitter Bootstrap assets

With AssetsBundle module (easy way)
  • Install the AssetsBundle module(1.0)

  • Install Twitter Bootstrap (v2.3.2)

  • Edit the application module configuration file module/Application/config/module.config.php, adding the configuration fragment below:

    return array(
         'asset_bundle' => array(
             'assets' => array(
                 'less' => array('@zfRootPath/vendor/twitter/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less')
  • Edit layout file module/Application/view/layout/layout.phtml, to render head scripts :

    echo $this->headScript();

How to use TwbBundle

View helpers

TwbBundle provides view helpers helping render html elements


Form : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleForm

Form helper can be called in a view with the view helper service form(\Zend\Form\FormInterface $oForm, $sFormLayout = self::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) :

$this->form(new \Zend\Form\Form());

This helper accepts a form element as first param, and an optionnal Bootstrap defined layout style definition as second param. Here are the available layouts :

  • TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL : horizontal (default)
  • TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper::LAYOUT_INLINE : inline
  • TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper::LAYOUT_SEARCH : search

The helper auto add form specific class and form role attributes.

Button : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormButton

Button helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formButton(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement, $sButtonContent = null) :

$this->formButton(new \Zend\Form\Element());

This helper accepts a button element as first param, and an optionnal button content as second param. It auto add button specific class (btn & btn-default is no button class is defined) attribute.

The option glyphicon (string or array) can be defined to render a glyphicon into the element : The glyphicon is rendered by the glyphicon renderer.

If the option is a string, it should be the name of the icon (e.g. "star", "search" ...), the glyphicon will prepend the label if exists. If the option is an array, it accept the folling options :

  • string icon : the name of the icon (e.g. "star", "search" ...).
  • string position : (optionnal) the position of the glyphicon to prepend or append the button content, \TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormButton::GLYPHICON_PREPEND (the default) and \TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormButton::GLYPHICON_APPEND.
  • array attributes : (optionnal) the additional attributes to the glyphicon element

Button can be set as dropdown button by defined the option dropdown (array) to the element : The dropdown is rendered by the dropdown renderer, it accept the folling additionnal options :

  • boolean split : the button element and the carret are splitted.
  • boolean dropup : render a dropup element instead of a dropdown.

The option disable-twb can be passed to the element to disable rendering it in a div container.

Checkbox : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormCheckbox

Checkbox helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formCheckbox(\Zend\Form\Checkbox $oElement) :

$this->formCheckbox(new \Zend\Form\Element\Checkbox('checkbox-input'));

This helper accepts a checkbox element as first param. As the input is rendered into a label element, the label position (append by default) can passed as an option The option disable-twb (boolean) can be passed to the element to disable rendering it in a label.

$this->formCheckbox(new \Zend\Form\Element\Checkbox('checkbox-input',array(
    'label' => 'Prepend label',
    'label_options' => array('position' => \Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormRow::LABEL_PREPEND)

Form collection : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormCollection

Form collection helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formCollection(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formCollection(new \Zend\Form\Element());

This helper accepts a form collection (fieldset) element as first param.

Form element : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormElement

Form element helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formElement(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formElement(new \Zend\Form\Element());

This helper accepts a form element as first param. This helper can render prepend and/or append add-on by setting the appropriate option add-on-prepend and/or add-on-append to the element. These options accept the following values :

  • Zend\Form\ElementInterface : the element will be rendered in the add-on
  • scalar : the value will be translated and rendered in the add-on
  • array : The array accept once of the following keys :
    • text (scalar) : the value will be translated and rendered in the add-on
    • element (array) : An element will be created by \Zend\Form\Factory and the given array, then rendered in the add-on
    • element (Zend\Form\ElementInterface) : the element will be rendered in the add-on

Form element errors : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormElementErrors

Form element errors helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formElementErrors(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formElementErrors(new \Zend\Form\Element());

This helper accepts a form element as first param. This helper render element's errors.

Multi-Checkbox : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormMultiCheckbox

Multi-Checkbox helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formMultiCheckbox(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formMultiCheckbox(new \Zend\Form\Element\ElementInterface());

This helper accepts an element as first param. The option inline (boolean) can be passed to the element to display checkoxes inlined (default) or not.

Radio : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormRadio

Radio helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formCheckbox(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formRadio(new \Zend\Form\Element\ElementInterface());

This helper accepts an element as first param. The option disable-twb (boolean) can be passed to the element to disable rendering it in a div container.

Form row : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormRow

Form element helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formRow(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formRow(new \Zend\Form\Element());

This helper accepts a form element as first param. The option twb-layout (string) can be passed to the element to render the row with a defined layout style as form helper. The option validation-state (string) can be passed to the element to render the row with a defined validation state class attribute(has-...). If the element has messages, has-error class attribute is auto added. The option column-size (int) can be passed to the element to render the row with a defined column size class attribute(col-lg-...). The option help-block (string) can be passed to the element to render an help block translated appending the element.

Static : TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleFormStatic

Static helper can be called in a view with the view helper service formStatic(\Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement) :

$this->formStatic(new \Zend\Form\Element\ElementInterface());

This helper accepts an element as first param.


Alert : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleAlert

Alert helper can be called in a view with the view helper service alert($sAlertMessage = null, $aAlertAttributes = null, $bDismissable = false) :

$this->alert('alert message',array('class' => 'alert-success'));

This helper accepts a message as first param, attributes for alert container as second param (optionnal) and boolean as third param to display or not a close action to the alert message (optionnal). The class attribute "alert" is auto added to the alert container.

Badge : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleBadge

Badge helper can be called in a view with the view helper service badge($sBadgeMessage = null, array $aBadgeAttributes = null) :

$this->badge('badge message',array('class' => 'pull-right'));

This helper accepts a message as first param, and attributes for badge container as second param (optionnal). The class attribute "badge" is auto added to the badge container.

Button group : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleButtonGroup

Button group helper can be called in a view with the view helper service buttonGroup(array $aButtons = null, array $aButtonGroupOptions = null) :

$this->buttonGroup(array(new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left'))),array('class' => 'pull-right'));

This helper accepts an array of buttons as first param, and attributes for button group container as second param (optionnal). The buttons can be instance of \Zend\Form\Element\Button or array containing data to build an element with the \Zend\Form\Factory

Glyphicon : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleGlyphicon

Glyphicon helper can be called in a view with the view helper service glyphicon($sGlyphicon = null, array $aGlyphiconAttributes = null) :

$this->glyphicon('star',array('class' => 'pull-right'));

This helper accepts an icon name as first param (e.g. "star", "search" ...), and attributes for glyphicon element as second param (optionnal). The class attribute "glyphicon" is auto added to the glyphicon container.

Dropdown : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown

Dropdown helper can be called in a view with the view helper service dropdown(array $aDropdownOptions = null) :

$this->dropdown(array('Item #1',\TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_DIVIDER,'Item #2'));

This helper accepts dropdown configuration as first param : * attributes (array) : attributes for the dropdown container (optionnal) * label (scalar) : Label content (will be translated), may be empty (optionnal) * toggle_attributes (array) : attributes for the dropdown toggle container (optionnal) * items (array) : list of items, should contains : * scalar : * \TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_DIVIDER : display a divider * text : display a text (translated) into a link (anchor attribute is the same as content) * array : the item options : * type (string) : the type of item * \TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_HEADER : render an item as header It needs the following option : * label (scalar) content text (translated) of the item * \TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_DIVIDER : render a divider * \TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_LINK : render an item as a link <a ...> It needs the following option : * label (scalar) content text (translated) of the item * item_attributes (array) : attributes for the item container (optionnal) * attributes (array) : the attributes of the item container * list_attributes (array) : attributes for the dropdown list container (optionnal)

Label : TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleLabel

Label helper can be called in a view with the view helper service label($sLabelMessage = null, array $aLabelAttributes = 'label-default') :

$this->label('label message',array('class' => 'label-primary'));

This helper accepts a message as first param, and attributes for label container as second param (optionnal). The class attribute "label" is auto added to the label container and "label-default" is no attributes is given. Default label container is a span, but it can be changed by passing the tag name in the attributes array :

$this->label('label message',array('class' => 'label-primary','tagName' => 'a'));


TwbBundle provides new elements to supports Twitter Bootstrap potential.

StaticElement : TwbBundle\Form\Element\StaticElement

Static element is a form element witch provides Static control and should be rendered by static form helper

$this->formStatic(new \TwbBundle\Form\Element\StaticElement());


Zend Framework 2 module for easy integration of Twitter Bootstrap







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