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Ap.Muthu edited this page Jan 26, 2015 · 4 revisions

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Using Web2Project in Older PHP versions

Since W2P requires PHP v5.3.8+ due to the usage of BCrypt for password authentication, for those who wish to test it out on say XAMPP v1.7.3 (PHP 5.3.1) can do so by replacing line 19 in base.php:

define('MIN_PHP_VERSION', '5.3.8');


define('MIN_PHP_VERSION', '5.3.1');

and replacing line 35 in classes/w2p/Authenticators/Base.class.php:

$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);


$hash = md5($password);

Potential Use Cases

  1. Recovery of data from a corrupted password set
  2. Use in a trusted LAN environment and for testing

Key Locations

  1. config table has the values
  2. includes/config.php has the db credentials
  3. users.user_password has the MD5 of password above (or the bcrypt salted value in normal install).