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/ wc1c-main Public

Main plugin for integration of WooCommerce with 1C products.


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=== WC1C ===
Contributors: WC1C, Frescoref
Tags: commerceml, 1c, cml, ecommerce, wc1c, woocommerce, integration 1C, 1s, 1с, 1C, 1С
Requires at least: 5.2
Tested up to: 6.5
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable tag: 0.23.0
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
License URI:
Donate link:

Integration of WooCommerce with 1C Company products (various configurations)

== Description ==
Implementing a flexible mechanism for exchanging various data between 1C Company products and the WooCommerce plugin.

= Features =
* ✅ Automation of work with products (goods, services) 1C and WooCommerce.
- Various product types, including feature-based variations.
- Exchange of data on products in both directions.
- Selective data update.
- Flexible matching of existing data (synchronization).
- Sources for data.
* ✅ Automation of work with orders for products (goods, services) 1C and WooCommerce.
- Data exchange on orders in both directions.
- Upload additional data such as payments and deliveries.
- Flexible upload format settings.
* ✅ Big data support.
* ✅ Support for weak hosting.
* ✅ Maintaining event logs of various levels for timely response to problems.
* ✅ Expandability.

All features: [](

== Translations ==
* English - default, always included
* Russian - always included

== Installation ==
1. Archive extract and upload folder "wc1c-main" to /wp-content/plugins (final path: /wp-content/plugins/wc1c-main/).
2. Activate the plugin.
3. Done, goto plugin settings.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What versions of 1C are supported? =
Work is possible with all versions of 1C, which logically requires integration with an online store. Support for a specific version of 1C depends on the scheme used on the basis of which the configuration was created.

= Is it possible to update only some product data? =
This is possible, but depends on the exchange scheme used and the extensions installed. You can not only update prices, balances separately, but also update them and other information on various conditions.

= What is activation in the settings and what does it give? =
Activation allows the WC1C team to work on improving the plugin and release updates. In addition to providing financial assistance to improve WC1C, projects with activation have additional features, transmit statistical information and error data in the background for further release of updates.

= Missing feature, how to add it? =
First of all, you need to look at the section with extensions on the official website. If there is no extension that adds the desired feature, you can develop this feature yourself, or turn to paid services.
You can also try to ask to add this feature for free (if activated) to the main plugin, or try to implement it through actions and filters (extensibility mechanism).

= Are updates being released? =
Updates are released as needed, but only when available to the WC1C team. For more or less guaranteed receipt of timely updates, you can purchase an activation code. On average, updates are needed once a month when WooCommerce updates are released.

== Screenshots ==

1. Configurations
2. Tools
3. Settings
4. Creating new configuration
5. Edit configuration
6. Edit configuration 2

== Changelog ==
List of major changes from version to version. [Goto full list.](

= 0.23.0 =
* Improvement: language phrases
* Improvement: interface design
* Improvement: High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility
* Improvement: remove log setting for receiver
* WP tested up to: 6.4 & 6.5
* WC tested up to: 8.1 & 8.2 & 8.3 & 8.4 & 8.5 & 8.6 & 8.7 & 8.8
* Support PHP: 8.3
* Up: Bootstrap to 5.3.2
* Up: styles
* Up: set default level for main events to 250
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.15.0
* Fix: 1C information column in new orders list by HPOS
* Fix: configurations sort
* Fix: more

= 0.22.0 =
* WP tested up to: 6.3
* WC tested up to: 7.9 & 8.0
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.14.0
* Up: language files
* Up: CML library
* Fix: more

= 0.21.1 =
* Fix: more

= 0.21.0 =
* WC tested up to: 7.6, 7.7, 7.8
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.13.0
* Up: Bootstrap to 5.3.0
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.20.0 =
* WP tested up to: 6.2
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.12.0
* Up: language files
* Up: CML library
* Improvement: promo for codes
* Ability: use Woplucore
* Fix: more

= 0.19.2 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.11.2

= 0.19.1 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.11.1

= 0.19.0 =
* WC tested up to: 7.5
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.11.0
* Ability: use Woplucore
* Up: Woplucore to latest
* Fix: more

= 0.18.2 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.10.2
* Up: CML library
* Fix: more

= 0.18.1 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.10.1

= 0.18.0 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.10.0
* Up: language files
* Up: CML library
* Up: Woplucore to latest
* Fix: more

= 0.17.0 =
* PHP tested up to: 8.2
* WC tested up to: 7.4
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.9.0
* Up: ProductsCleanerCML to 0.4.0
* Up: language files
* Up: Bootstrap to 5.2.3
* Up: woplucore to latest
* Up: CML library
* Up: Wotices to latest
* Fix: more

= 0.16.0 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.8.0
* Up: language files
* Improvement: use woplucore
* Improvement: statuses for configurations
* Improvement: custom receiver in schemas
* Improvement: configuration order by dates
* Fix: more

= 0.15.1 =
* Up: language files
* Fix: error

= 0.15.0 =
* WC tested up to: 7.3
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.7.0
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.14.14 =
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.14.13 =
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.14.12 =
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.14.11 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.10 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.9 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.6.0
* Up: ProductsCleanerCML to 0.3.0
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.14.8 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.7 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.6 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.5 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.4 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.3 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.2 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.1 =
* Fix: more

= 0.14.0 =
* Rename wc1c to wc1c-main
* Fix: more

= 0.13.1 =
* Fix: composer

= 0.13.0 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.4.0
* Up: language files
* WC tested up to: 7.2
* Fix: more

= 0.12.0 =
* Up: ProductsCML to 0.3.0
* Up: language files
* Fix: more

= 0.11.1 =
* Fix: more

= 0.11.0 =
* Requires PHP: 7.0
* WC requires at least: 4.3
* WP Requires at least: 5.2
* WP tested up to: 6.1
* WC tested up to: 7.1
* WC tested up to: 7.0
* WC tested up to: 6.9
* Update: CML & WC libraries
* Fix: more

= 0.10.0 =
* WC tested up to: 6.8
* Feature: setting for products in ProductsCML
* Fix: more

= 0.9.0 =
* WC tested up to: 6.7
* Moving libraries: WC, CML from src to vendor
* Fix: more

= 0.8.3 =
* Fix: more

= 0.8.2 =
* Fix: error in while

= 0.8.1 =
* Fix: error decoder in PHP7

= 0.8.0 =
* WP tested up to: 6.0
* WC tested up to: 6.6
* More changes

= 0.7.0 =
* Public release

= 0.1.0 =
* Init release