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Implementation of the Carry look ahead adder algorihtm, and parallizing the algorithm using OpenMP libriries

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Carry Look Ahead Adder - HPC

This is a parallelized full adder implented in C++ using OpenMP libraries.

This project aims at implementing a fast way for calculating the sum of two numbers (binary numbers), and parallelize that implementation using OpenMP directives in C++.

Problem Definition

Simple Full Adder

Adding two n-bit numbers, using a full adder, requires waiting for the generated carray affter the addition of the previous bit (least significant bit), before adding the current working bit.

The following diagram illustrates how the Full Adder works:


As we can see, each adder block will have to wait for the Cout(carry out) of the previous adder block.

Using this implementation, it will be impossible for us to parallelize the calculation, because the Cirtical Path Length of the dependency graph will be of size N.

Carry Look Ahead Adder

The new approach will be using the carry look ahead adder's algorithm in order to reduce the dependency between adder blocks. The main idea is to create another circuit that generates the carry out, of any given block, using only C0 and Ai and Bi.

The floowing diagram illustrates the idea:

comb-adder3 drawio

The combinational ciruit will be using the Generate and the Propagate logic to calculate the the carry out of any given block.


We've made two different approaches to implement the carry look ahead algorithm. One is recursive, in which we divide the problem into different stages, and each stage contains a different set of binary blocks (portions of the initial ‘a’ and ‘b to be added). After implementing the recursive approach, we found out that we don’t need other stages than 0 to make the addition, so the other approach is the iterative approach, in which we used a simple for loop to initialize the Propagate and Generate values, on one hand, and also to make the sum, on the other hand.

1. Recursive approach

1.1. Calculate the Propagate and the Generate

We're going to use two matrices to hold the values of Propagate and Generate, in order to avoid calculating the P and G for the same block twice. Here's an example of that logic for two 4-bit numbers a=1010 and b=1100:

genrate-progapage-hpc-2 drawio

Both P and G matrices will be of size [log(N)+1][N], where N is the number of bits in each number (assuming both numbers are of equal number of bits).

Here's the content of those two matrices after executing the program for that same example:

Screenshot from 2024-05-03 17-37-34

Complexity: todo.

1.2. Calculate the sum

Now that we have the Propagate and the Genreate of each block, we can make the sum of each block independently, without waiting for carry out of the previous block. Using the Carry formulas described here.

2. Iterative approach

2.1. Calculate the Propagate and the Generate

For the iterative approach, it's basically the same idea as the recursive one but for only stage 0. So We're going to use two arrays to hold the values of Propagate and Generate. Here's an example of that logic for two 4-bit numbers a=1010 and b=1100:

Copy of hpc-carry-look-ahead-adder2-iter drawio

Both P and G arrays will be of size [N], where N is the number of bits in each number (assuming both numbers are of equal number of bits).

Here's the content of those two arrays after executing the program for that same example:

Screenshot from 2024-05-14 17-43-58

2.2. Calculate the sum

So the logic for the iterative approach, is basically the same as the recursive one, except that we'll only use stage 0 blocks. We'll be using a simple for loop.

The Code

In this section we'll put some explanations about some terms used in the code:

  • bool getFirstPatternVal(int k, int N){}: this will return the value of the following section of the Ci formula: first-pattern

Here, i=k=4 (in our code). You can learn more about the carry look ahead carries' formulas here.

  • bool getSecondPatternVal(int k, int c0): this will return the value of the following section of the Ci formula: second-pattern

Note: if you want to change the arguments, you can do it by referring to: a, b, N Important (you should update the N).

Note: N should be a power of 2.


Now that we have a much less decoupling dependecy graph, we can profit from Parallelization using OpenMP directives.

Parallelizing the recursive approach

We used OMP Tasks to parallelize both the Propagate and Generate initialization and the addition process. Here's a portion of how we implemented it in th code:

// main() 
#pragma omp parallel
   #pragma omp single
      init_P_and_G(a, b, log2(N), 0, N-1);

#pragma omp parallel
   #pragma omp single
      full_adder(a, b, c0, s, 0, N-1, log2(N), N);
// init_P_and_G()
#pragma omp task shared(P) shared(G)
   init_P_and_G(a, b, stage - 1, l, (l+r)/2); // left
#pragma omp task shared(P) shared(G)
   init_P_and_G(a, b, stage - 1, (l+r)/2+1, r); // right
// full_adder()
#pragma omp task shared(s) 
   full_adder(a, b, c0, s, l, (l+r)/2, stage-1, N);
#pragma omp task shared(s)
   full_adder(a, b, c0, s, (l+r)/2+1, r, stage-1, N);

Parallelizing the iterative approach

For the iterative approach, we can use two ways of paralellization: using prallel for or using tasks.

Using Parallel for

// init_P_and_G()
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
   //printf("Thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());  
   P[i] = a[i] - '0' || b[i] - '0';
   G[i] = a[i] - '0' && b[i] - '0';
// full_adder()
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=N-2; i>=0; i--) {
   // other bits than the less significant
   int j = N-i-1;

Using Tasks


Evaluation & Comparison

The is a bash script that executes the differnt approaches, both the sequential and the parallel one, and displays the execution time for each. However, we still have to update it to make it free the cache after each execution to avoid and misleading values. Here's a sample output of the script:

Screenshot from 2024-05-15 00-52-20

Important Formulas and Notations

Here are some important formulas used in this implementation:

Gb = Gl + (Pl . Gr): The Generate of a block equals the Generate of the left side OR the (Propagate of the left side AND Generate of the right side)

Pb = Pl . Pr: The Propagate of a block equals the Propagate of the left side AND the Propagate of the right side

P = x + y (x OR y): Propagate of a block of 1-bit (Can also work with x XOR y)

G = x . y (x AND y): Genreate of a block of 1-bit


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Implementation of the Carry look ahead adder algorihtm, and parallizing the algorithm using OpenMP libriries







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