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😧 help wanted
:anguished: help wanted
🙇 changes requested
:bow: changes requested
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
🔐 security
:closed_lock_with_key: security
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🔥 hotfix
:fire: hotfix
✋ ready for review
:hand: ready for review
🤝 review in progress
:handshake: review in progress
multiple 👀
multiple :eyes:
🚫 blocked
:no_entry_sign: blocked
📦 release
:package: release
📄 documentation
:page_facing_up: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
priority: medium
priority: medium
🚨 do not merge
:rotating_light: do not merge
💭 wip
:thought_balloon: wip
⚡ quick review
:zap: quick review