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	///	DATABASE GOODIES V1.3 							    ///
	///	CLASS NAME: DBconnect							    ///
	///	Description:								    ///
	///	  A class with database goodies for easy interaction with the DB,           ///
	///	    easy login/user check and password encryption.			    ///
	///	  This was first a collection of functions, and was eventually grown into   ///
	///	    a class. So it supports using more than one database in a single file.  ///
	///										    ///
	///	Revisions:								    ///
	///      _______________________________________________________________________    ///
	///	|v1.2 | (1/9/11)  | - Improved the password encryption feature through  ||  ///
	///     |     |           |    the encryption_class by by A J Marston.          ||  ///
	///	|     |	          | - Added READ_ME                                     ||  ///
	///	|     |	          | - Fixed bug with readdatabase(); when strings where ||  ///
	///     |     |           |    not passed. - Fixed variable issues with usage   ||  ///
	///     |     |           |    of common names for vars.                        ||  ///
	///	|_____|___________|____________________________________________________ ||  ///
	///	|v1.3 | (15/9/11) | - Function library converted into a class to simply ||  ///
	///	|     |	          |    use and allow connecting to more than one        ||  ///
	///	|     |	          |    database in a single file.                       ||  ///
	///	|______________________________________________________________________ ||  ///
	///	|______________________________________________________________________ ||  ///
	///										    ///
	///										    ///

    				      ***-=w45p (0D35=-***
	// ****************************************************************************** \\
 	//   * Created by: Ryoku Weil [w45p].						  \\
  	//   * Visit to contact w45p.				  \\
  	//   * Visit for this and other Repos.			  \\
  	//   * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use.				  \\
  	//   * Requires:						  		  \\
 	//	   + MySQL								  \\
 	//	   + PHP 5+								  \\
 	//   * Password encryption uses a mix of:					  \\
 	// 	  - Master password (AJM's encryption_class).				  \\
 	//	  - sha1();								  \\
 	//	  - base64_encode/decode();					  	  \\
 	//   = "code" is defined as every PHP, JS and HTML file involved in this release: \\
 	//   * You are free to use this code for any purpose.				  \\
 	//   * You are fee to change this code to suit your needs, WITHOUT removal or 	  \\
 	//      edition of this notice.							  \\
 	//   * You are free to share this code and the changes you make to it.		  \\
 	//   * Ryoku Weil [w45p] takes no responsibility for the use of this code.	  \\
 	//   * May this code be as useful for you as it was for me.			  \\
	// ****************************************************************************** \\	

	    			        ----METHODS of CLASS DBconnect----
|       Name        |          Action             |    Required Variables     |	             Extra Info              |
|     setinfo();    | Sets Information for DB     | $dbhost $dbuser $dbpswd   | -$master is the master password that |
|                   | connection.                 | $dbname $master           |   will be used to encrypt();         |    
|    checkready();  | Checks if setinfo() has     |                           | -Called only by dbconnectme();       |
|                   |  been determined.           | XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX | -Prints error and kills code         |
|                   |                             |                           |  execution if setinfo has not been   |
|                   |                             |                           |  been called or if any of setinfo()  |
|                   |                             |                           |  variables is set to NULL.           |
|   dbconnectme();  | Connects to database.       | XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX | -Called by all other methods.        |
| insertdatabase(); | Inserts data to DB.         | $fields[] $data[] $table  | -Returns 1 upon success;             |
|                   |                             |                           |  0 upon failure.                     |    
|   checkexist();   | Checks if data exists in DB.| $field $data $table       | -Returns 0 if no user was found.     | 
|  readdatabase();  | Reads database fields.      | $select,$fields[],$data[],| -Supports ORDER BY, GROUP BY, LIMIT  |
|                   |                             | $table,$orderby,$groupby, |   set =0; for null.                  |  
|                   |                             | $limit                    | -Returns mysql_query array or        |
|                   |                             |                           |  0 if invalid.                       |    
| updatedatabase(); | Updates database.           | $fields[],$data[],$table, | -Returns 1 upon success;             |
|                   |                             | $where                    |  0 upon failure.                     |    
|   deleteentry();  | Deletes specific entry.     | $field,$data,$table       | -Returns 1 upon success;             |
|                   |                             |                           |  0 upon failure.                     |    
|                   |                             |                           | -You should use a unique field.      |    
|    usercheck();   | Allows/Denies Users.        | $table $user $password    | - Table must include:                | 
|                   |                             |                           |   id(INT), user(TEXT), codex(TEXT).  |    
|                   |                             |                           | - Returns "6r4n73d" when true        |    
|                   |                             |                           |   or "0" when false.                 |    
|   encodepass();   | Encrypts password.          | $password                 | - Returns encrypted string,          |
|                   |                             |                           |   ready for saving to database.      |    
		$dbhost   -> Your DB's host address.
		$dbuser   -> Your DB's username.
		$dbpswd   -> Your DB's username's password.
		$dbname   -> Your DB's name.
		$master   -> Master password that will be used for encryption/decryption. 
		$field    -> The name of the field you are pointing to in the DB.
		$fields[] -> Must be an Array; The name of the fields you are pointing to in the DB.
		$data     -> The string of information for/of the designated field.
		$data[]   -> Must be an Array; The strings of information for/of the designated fields.
		$table    -> The name of the table you want to work with.
		$select   -> A string of data that fits the SELECT method on mysql Ex.- *
		$where    -> A string of data that fits the WHERE method on mysql Ex.- field='data' AND field2='data2'
		$orderby  -> A string of data that fits the ORDERBY method on mysql Ex.- field ASC
		$groupby  -> A string of data that fits the GROUPBY method on mysql Ex.- field
		$limit    -> A string of data that fits the LIMIT method on mysql Ex.- 1,30
		$user     -> Username.
		$password -> Unencrypted password.
    *			----- \   /      /\      |\    /|  -----|  |       -----		       *
    *   		|      \ /      /  \     | \  / |  |	|  |       |		               *
    *			|----   X      /____\    |  \/  |  |____|  |       |____		       *
    *			|      / \    /      \   |      |  |       |       |		               *
    *			|____ /   \  /        \  |      |  |       |_____  |____		       *
    **** EXAMPLE of calling CLASS and METHOD readdatabase(); And printing contents of the response. ****
    **** //We include the db class...						  		    ****
    **** require "mydatabase_lib.class.php";							    ****
    ****						  					    ****
    **** //We set the DB connection information and master pawssword...				    ****
    **** $dbhost = "yourhost or localhost";							    ****
    **** $dbuser = "your DB user";								    ****
    **** $dbpswd = "your DB password";								    ****
    **** $dbname = "name of your DB";								    ****
    **** $master = "a master password to encode";						    ****
    ****											    ****
    **** //We create our object, declare the class and set the information of our DB…		    ****
    **** $myFooDB= new DBconnect();								    ****
    **** $myFooDB->setinfo($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpswd,$dbname,$master);				    ****
    ****											    ****
    **** //We declare the contents for our readdatabase query...				    ****
    **** $select="*";										    ****
    **** $fields[]="field 1";									    ****
    **** $fields[]="field 2";									    ****
    **** $data[]="data 1";									    ****
    **** $data[]="data 2";									    ****
    **** $table="name of my table";								    ****
    **** $orderby="field 1 ASC";								    ****
    **** $groupby="";										    ****
    **** $limit="1,10";										    ****
    ****											    ****
    **** //We make the call to readdatabase method and print the results...			    ****
    **** $result = $myFooDB->readdatabase($select,$fields,$data,$table,$orderby,$groupby,$limit);   ****
    **** while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))						    ****
    **** {											    ****
    **** $amount=count($row);									    ****
    **** $amount=$amount-1;									    ****
    **** for ($i=0;$i<=$amount;$i++){								    ****
    **** echo $row[$i]."<br>";									    ****
    **** } }											    ****
    ****											    ****
    				      ***-=w45p (0D35=-***

	   ***********************INCLUDED CLASS FOR ENCRYPTION.*************************
	// ****************************************************************************** \\
	// A reversible password encryption routine by:					  \\
	// Copyright 2003-2009 by A J Marston <>		  \\
	// Distributed under the GNU General Public Licence				  \\
	// Modification: May 2007, M. Kolar <>:			  \\
	// No need for repeating the first character of scramble strings at the end;      \\
	// instead using the exact inverse function transforming $num2 to $num1.	  \\
	// Modification: Jan 2009, A J Marston <>:		  \\
	// Use mb_substr() if it is available (for multibyte characters).   		  \\
	// ****************************************************************************** \\


A small PHP class to ease the connection with MySQL databases, checking users and encoding passwords.






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