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vterron committed Oct 9, 2020
1 parent 57c9264 commit 3c7f351
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Showing 53 changed files with 4,977 additions and 3,598 deletions.
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python2
# encoding:UTF-8

from version import __version_info__, __version__

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555 changes: 333 additions & 222 deletions

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175 changes: 102 additions & 73 deletions
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# LEMON modules
import util

CONFIG_FILES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sextractor/')
CONFIG_FILES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sextractor/")
_get_file = functools.partial(os.path.join, CONFIG_FILES_DIR)
SEXTRACTOR_CONFIG = _get_file('')
SEXTRACTOR_PARAMS = _get_file('sextractor.param')
SEXTRACTOR_FILTER = _get_file('sextractor.conv')
SEXTRACTOR_STARNNW = _get_file('sextractor.nnw')
SEXTRACTOR_COMMANDS = 'sextractor', 'sex' # may be any of these
SEXTRACTOR_CONFIG = _get_file("")
SEXTRACTOR_PARAMS = _get_file("sextractor.param")
SEXTRACTOR_FILTER = _get_file("sextractor.conv")
SEXTRACTOR_STARNNW = _get_file("sextractor.nnw")
SEXTRACTOR_COMMANDS = "sextractor", "sex" # may be any of these

class SExtractorNotInstalled(StandardError):
def __str__(self):
return "SExtractor not found in the current environment"

class SExtractorUpgradeRequired(StandardError):
""" Raised if a too-old version of SExtractor is installed """

def __str__(self):
# From, for example, (2, 8, 6) to '2.8.6'
return "SExtractor >= {} is required, found {}".format(
'.'.join(str(x) for x in SEXTRACTOR_REQUIRED_VERSION),
'.'.join(str(x) for x in sextractor_version()))
".".join(str(x) for x in SEXTRACTOR_REQUIRED_VERSION),
".".join(str(x) for x in sextractor_version()),

class SExtractorError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

"""A pair of immutable x- and y-coordinates."""
Pixel = collections.namedtuple('Pixel', "x y")
Pixel = collections.namedtuple("Pixel", "x y")

class Coordinates(collections.namedtuple('Coordinates', "ra dec pm_ra pm_dec")):
""" The immutable celestial coordinates of an astronomical object.
class Coordinates(collections.namedtuple("Coordinates", "ra dec pm_ra pm_dec")):
"""The immutable celestial coordinates of an astronomical object.
The first two positional arguments, 'ra' and 'dec', are the right ascension
and declination of the astronomical object, in decimal degrees. 'pm_ra' and
'pm_dec' are the proper motion, in seconds of arc per year (arcsec/yr).

def __new__(cls, ra, dec, pm_ra = 0, pm_dec = 0):
def __new__(cls, ra, dec, pm_ra=0, pm_dec=0):
""" Make 'pm_ra' and 'pm_dec' optional keyword arguments. """

# Seen here:
Expand All @@ -81,13 +87,14 @@ def distance(self, another):
"""The angular distance, in degrees, between two Coordinates."""

make_coord = functools.partial(
astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, unit=astropy.units.deg)
astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, unit=astropy.units.deg
c1 = make_coord(ra=self.ra, dec=self.dec)
c2 = make_coord(ra=another.ra, dec=another.dec)
return c1.separation(c2).deg

def get_exact_coordinates(self, year, epoch = 2000):
""" Determine exact positions by applying proper motion correction.
def get_exact_coordinates(self, year, epoch=2000):
"""Determine exact positions by applying proper motion correction.
Take into account the proper motion of the astronomical object to
calculate its exact coordinates in a given date: the difference in
Expand All @@ -107,18 +114,22 @@ def get_exact_coordinates(self, year, epoch = 2000):

elapsed = year - epoch;
ra = self.ra + (self.pm_ra * elapsed) / 3600
elapsed = year - epoch
ra = self.ra + (self.pm_ra * elapsed) / 3600
dec = self.dec + (self.pm_dec * elapsed) / 3600
return self.__class__(ra, dec, None, None)

class Star(collections.namedtuple('_Star', "img_coords, sky_coords, area, "
"mag, saturated, snr, fwhm, elongation")):
class Star(
"img_coords, sky_coords, area, " "mag, saturated, snr, fwhm, elongation",
""" An immutable class with a source detected by SExtractor. """

def __new__(cls, x, y, alpha, delta, area, mag, satur, snr, fwhm, elong):
""" Customize the creation of a Star instance: encapsulate the (x, y)
"""Customize the creation of a Star instance: encapsulate the (x, y)
and (alpha, delta) as Pixel objects and pass them as the first two
arguments of the named tuple. The other arguments are not modified.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +178,7 @@ class Catalog(tuple):

def _find_column(contents, parameter):
""" Return the index of a SExtractor paramater in the catalog.
"""Return the index of a SExtractor paramater in the catalog.
The method takes as inputs the contents of a SExtractor catalog and the
name of a parameter (such as 'X_IMAGE' or 'FLUX_MAX') and returns the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +212,7 @@ def _find_column(contents, parameter):
# indexes, as they are one-based.

for line in contents:
if line[0].startswith('#'):
if line[0].startswith("#"):
param_name = line[2]
if param_name.upper() == parameter.upper():
param_index = int(line[1]) - 1
Expand All @@ -212,7 +223,7 @@ def _find_column(contents, parameter):

def flag_saturated(flag_value):
""" Test the value of FLAGS and determine if the object has saturated.
"""Test the value of FLAGS and determine if the object has saturated.
The method receives the value of the internal flag computed for a star
and returns True if the decimal value of the flag indicates that at
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,11 +263,11 @@ def flag_saturated(flag_value):
if not 0 <= flag_value <= 255:
msg = "flag value out of range [0, 255]"
raise ValueError(msg)
return flag_value & 1<<2 != 0
return flag_value & 1 << 2 != 0

def _load_stars(cls, path):
""" Load a SExtractor catalog into memory.
"""Load a SExtractor catalog into memory.
The method parses a SExtractor catalog and returns a generator of Star
objects, once for each detected object. It is mandatory, or ValueError
Expand All @@ -280,47 +291,46 @@ def _load_stars(cls, path):

with open(path, 'rt') as fd:
with open(path, "rt") as fd:
contents = [line.split() for line in fd]

get_index = functools.partial(cls._find_column, contents)
x_index = get_index('X_IMAGE')
y_index = get_index('Y_IMAGE')
alpha_index = get_index('ALPHA_SKY')
delta_index = get_index('DELTA_SKY')
area_index = get_index('ISOAREAF_IMAGE')
mag_index = get_index('MAG_AUTO')
flux_index = get_index('FLUX_ISO')
fluxerr_index = get_index('FLUXERR_ISO')
flux_radius_index = get_index('FLUX_RADIUS')
flags_index = get_index('FLAGS')
elong_index = get_index('ELONGATION')
x_index = get_index("X_IMAGE")
y_index = get_index("Y_IMAGE")
alpha_index = get_index("ALPHA_SKY")
delta_index = get_index("DELTA_SKY")
area_index = get_index("ISOAREAF_IMAGE")
mag_index = get_index("MAG_AUTO")
flux_index = get_index("FLUX_ISO")
fluxerr_index = get_index("FLUXERR_ISO")
flux_radius_index = get_index("FLUX_RADIUS")
flags_index = get_index("FLAGS")
elong_index = get_index("ELONGATION")

for line in contents:
if not line[0].startswith('#'): # ignore comments
if not line[0].startswith("#"): # ignore comments

def get_param(index, type_ = float):
def get_param(index, type_=float):
""" Get the index-th element of 'line', cast to 'type_'"""
return type_(line[index])

x = get_param(x_index)
y = get_param(y_index)
alpha = get_param(alpha_index)
delta = get_param(delta_index)
area = get_param(area_index, type_ = int)
area = get_param(area_index, type_=int)
mag = get_param(mag_index)
flux = get_param(flux_index)
fluxerr = get_param(fluxerr_index)
flux_radius = get_param(flux_radius_index)
flags = get_param(flags_index, type_ = int)
flags = get_param(flags_index, type_=int)
elongation = get_param(elong_index)

saturated = Catalog.flag_saturated(flags)
snr = flux / fluxerr
fwhm = flux_radius * 2

args = (x, y, alpha, delta, area, mag, saturated, snr,
fwhm, elongation)
args = (x, y, alpha, delta, area, mag, saturated, snr, fwhm, elongation)

yield Star(*args)

Expand All @@ -337,7 +347,7 @@ def path(self):

def from_sequence(cls, *stars):
""" Create a Catalog from a sequence of Stars.
"""Create a Catalog from a sequence of Stars.
Return a Catalog that is not the result of loading a SExtractor catalog
into memory, but that encapsulates a series of Star objects. Note that,
Expand All @@ -350,17 +360,17 @@ def from_sequence(cls, *stars):
return super(Catalog, cls).__new__(cls, stars)

def get_sky_coordinates(self):
""" Return a list with the celestial coordinates of the stars.
"""Return a list with the celestial coordinates of the stars.
Return the right ascension and declination of each astronomical source
in the SExtractor catalog, as a list of Coordinates objects.
Return the right ascension and declination of each astronomical source
in the SExtractor catalog, as a list of Coordinates objects.
return [star.sky_coords for star in self]
return [star.sky_coords for star in self]

def sextractor_md5sum(options = None):
""" Return the MD5 hash of the SExtractor configuration.
def sextractor_md5sum(options=None):
"""Return the MD5 hash of the SExtractor configuration.
This method returns the MD5 hash of the concatenation of the four
configuration files (.sex, .param, .conv and .nnw) used by SExtractor, as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,12 +403,16 @@ def sextractor_md5sum(options = None):

sex_files = (

md5 = hashlib.md5()
for path in sex_files:
with open(path, 'rt') as fd:
with open(path, "rt") as fd:
for line in fd:

Expand All @@ -416,8 +430,9 @@ def sextractor_md5sum(options = None):

return md5.hexdigest()

def sextractor_version():
""" Return the SExtractor version as a tuple.
"""Return the SExtractor version as a tuple.
Run SExtractor with the --version option as its sole argument, capture the
standard output and parse it. The version number of SExtractor is returned
Expand All @@ -435,14 +450,15 @@ def sextractor_version():
raise SExtractorNotInstalled()

args = [executable, '--version']
args = [executable, "--version"]
output = subprocess.check_output(args)
version = re.match(PATTERN, output).group(1)
# From, for example, '2.8.6' to (2, 8, 6)
return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split('.'))
return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split("."))

def sextractor(path, ext = 0, options = None, stdout = None, stderr = None):
""" Run SExtractor on the image and return the path to the output catalog.

def sextractor(path, ext=0, options=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
"""Run SExtractor on the image and return the path to the output catalog.
This function runs SExtractor on 'path', using the configuration files
defined in the module-level variables SEXTRACTOR_CONFIG, SEXTRACTOR_PARAMS,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,8 +518,7 @@ def sextractor(path, ext = 0, options = None, stdout = None, stderr = None):
# raised), 'executable' contains the first command that was found

root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
catalog_fd, catalog_path = \
tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = '%s_' % root, suffix = '.cat')
catalog_fd, catalog_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="%s_" % root, suffix=".cat")

# Raise IOError if any of the configuration files is nonexistent or not
Expand All @@ -512,8 +527,12 @@ def sextractor(path, ext = 0, options = None, stdout = None, stderr = None):
# the internal defaults. As of version 2.8.6, only -PARAMETERS_NAME and
# -FILTER_NAME, if unreadable, cause the execution of SExtractor to fail.

for config_file in (

if not os.path.exists(config_file):
msg = "configuration file %s not found"
Expand All @@ -522,25 +541,35 @@ def sextractor(path, ext = 0, options = None, stdout = None, stderr = None):
msg = "configuration file %s cannot be read"
raise IOError(msg % config_file)

args = [executable, path + '[%d]' % ext,
'-CATALOG_NAME', catalog_path]
args = [
path + "[%d]" % ext,

if options:
for key, value in options.iteritems():
args += ['-%s' % key, value]
args += ["-%s" % key, value]
except AttributeError:
msg = "'options' must be a dictionary"
raise TypeError(msg)

subprocess.check_call(args, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr)
subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
return catalog_path
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
try: os.unlink(catalog_path)
except (IOError, OSError): pass
except (IOError, OSError):
raise SExtractorError(e.returncode, e.cmd)

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