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DockGame: Cooperative Games for Multimeric Rigid Protein Docking

Implementation of DockGame, a game-theoretic framework for multimeric (rigid) protein docking. We model docking as a cooperative game between proteins where the assembly structures correspond to equilibria. To compute equilibria for new proteins, we propose to learn the underlying potential in two ways:

  1. Learning a surrogate game potential guided by PyRosetta
  2. Learning a diffusion model over the action spaces of all agents

The former approach learns a differentiable analogue of traditional scoring functions for docking, while the latter approach connects equilibrium computation to sampling for cooperative games.

The current models were trained on a subset of DIPS dataset and finetuned on DB5.5.

For using DockGame on your own multimeric complexes: We are currently compiling a larger dataset using all assemblies from PDB to train our score and potential models, and will update the repository with the latest versions once complete.




To install the conda environment and necessary packages, run the following command


The installation should work on Linux, Mac and M1/M2 Mac.


PyRosetta is required to compute binding energies for generated decoys. Please follow the instructions here to install, and store the outputs in bin/

Note: For Linux, it is easier to download the .whl file to the appropriate python version and just run

pip install <path to .whl file>

To install the distributed version of pyrosetta, run:

conda install pyrosetta distributed -c
pip install blosc

where USERNAME and PASSWORD are provided by PyRosetta with the license file.


By default, we assume that datasets are stored under data/raw for the raw datasets and data/processed/ for the processed datasets.

Downloading Datasets

All datasets used in this work can be found on zenodo.

To download the raw data and extract it, run the following command:


By default, this stores the downloaded datasets under data/raw/ but you could specify an optional DIRNAME.

Processing Datasets

To process the datasets, run the following command:

python scripts/preprocess/ \
    --dataset DATASET \
    --data_dir DATA_DIR \
    --complex_list_file COMPLEX_LIST_FILE \
    --complex_dir COMPLEX_DIR \
    --agent_type AGENT \
    --featurizer base \
    --resolution c_alpha \

where DATASET is one of db5,dips and AGENT is one of protein,chain. In this work, we set AGENT=chain.

COMPLEX_DIR refers to the directory where assembly structures are stored (under DATA_DIR/raw/DATASET/COMPLEX_DIR)

COMPLEX_LIST_FILE refers to the list of complexes to process (under DATA_DIR/raw/DATASET)

Generating Decoys

For training the potential network, we generate decoys using PyRosetta. This can be done with the following command:

python scripts/preprocess/ \
    --dataset DATASET \
    --agent_type AGENT \
    --complex_list_file COMPLEX_LIST_FILE \
    --complex_dir COMPLEX_DIR
    --score_fn_name dock_low_res
    --max_tr MAX_TR

where MAX_TR is the maximum magnitude of translation for generating decoys.


Potential Model

For training the potential model, run the following command

python scripts/train/ --config CONFIG_FILE

while CONFIG_FILE is the config file. Please refer to dockgame/utils/ and the model_parameters.yml file under paper/potential_model for associated arguments.

Score Model

For training the score model, run the following command

python scripts/train/ --config CONFIG_FILE

while CONFIG_FILE is the config file. Please refer to dockgame/utils/ and the model_parameters.yml file under paper/score_model for associated arguments.


To run inference or game-play, run the following commands depending on the model

python scripts/ \
    --dataset DATASET \
    --data_dir DATA_DIR \
    --complex_dir COMPLEX_DIR \
    --complex_list_file COMPLEX_LIST_FILE \
    --task_name test-gameplay \
    --featurizer base \
    --model_dir paper/score_model \
    --model_name \
    --n_rounds N_ROUNDS \
    --n_equilibria N_EQUILIBRIA \
    --strategy STRATEGY \
    --agent_type AGENT

STRATEGY is one of langevin, round_robin_langevin for the score model and reward_grad, round_robin_reward_grad for the potential model. We also include the option to save visualization by using --save_visualization. By default, this saves the structures after initialization, and after inference.

This loads the structures from COMPLEX_DIR, computes features and prepares graph, and runs gameplay, and optionally saves the final structures.

We also include a script with more logging, suited for debugging (scripts/ This script also includes an option to save full trajectories. For this enable --save_vis, --debug, --save_trajectory.


We provide the models used in this paper under paper/. To evaluate either model, run the following commands (this is for the score model):

python scripts/ \
    --dataset db5 \
    --out_dir game_outputs \
    --data_dir data \
    --complex_dir complexes \
    --complex_list_file complexes-test.txt \
    --task_name db5-score-evaluation \
    --featurizer base \
    --model_dir paper/score_model \
    --model_name \
    --n_rounds 50 \
    --n_equilibria 40 \
    --strategy langevin \
    --agent_type chain

python scripts/ \
    --dataset db5 \
    --results_dir game_outputs \
    --task_name db5-score-evaluation \
    --complex_list_file complexes-test.txt \
    --complex_dir complexes \
    --data_dir data


The project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you find our work useful, please cite our paper:

      title={DockGame: Cooperative Games for Multimeric Rigid Protein Docking}, 
      author={Vignesh Ram Somnath and Pier Giuseppe Sessa and Maria Rodriguez Martinez and Andreas Krause},


If you have any questions about the code, or want to report a bug, or need help interpreting an error message, please raise a GitHub issue.


This code was contributed by Vignesh Ram Somnath and Pier Giuseppe Sessa.