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Releases: vsilaev/tascalate-javaflow

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.6

19 Apr 22:31
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Update internal dependencies (tascalate-asmx to 9.7.0 and tascalate-instrument to 1.5.0)

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.5

23 May 19:47
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  • Update internal dependencies (tascalate-asmx to 9.0.5 and tascalate-instrument to 1.3.2
  • Fix SLF4J versioning

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.3

10 Sep 07:26
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  1. Added Gradle build plugin
  2. Updated dependency to Tascalate ASMX 9.3 (includes fix for handling arrays in bytecode verifier used internally; uses shaded ASM 9.3)
  3. Improved docs

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.2

01 Jul 16:19
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Hotfix: mark Maven Mojo as thread-safe to allow parallel build

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.1

10 Feb 18:09
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Hot fix for the Maven plugin issue: test-only dependencies are handled incorrectly

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.7.0

07 Feb 10:16
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This release introduces several important refactorings for projects structure organization, package names, class names and alike.

  1. net.tascalate.javaflow.providers.asm* group of artifacts is deprecated, the net.tascalate.javaflow.providers.core should be used instead.
  2. Reusable portion of the code has been extracted from the to the net.tascalate.javaflow.providers.proxy.
  3. Java Agent artefacts have been relocated:
  1. In the aforementioned artifacts package names / module names / class names were adjusted to follow common naming convention guidelines of the project.
  2. Reusable code to working with bytecode using ObjectWeb ASM library has been promoted to the tascalate-asmx project
  3. Reusable code to create JavaFlow agents has been promoted to the tascalate-instrument project, see net.tascalate.instrument.agent
  4. ClassMatcher-s used for vetoing continuations processing was fixed to support deep matchers on subclasses / subinterfaces. Also separate settings should be used on per-project basis, now no veto is defined in the library itself.
  5. Fixed lambda classes enhancements via Java Agent in JDK 9+
  6. Fixed deprecations and errors due to restricted API usage in (foremly ContinuableClassLoader), fixed errors in this class
  7. Classes in Maven and Ant build tools was renamed. Additionally, package names were adjusted in all* projects.
  8. Runtime API itself was not affected, all the changes are related mostly to build tools and Java agents

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.6.4

27 Jul 23:44
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Critical fix -- fixes invalid module-info required module names of instrumentation-related artifacts

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.6.3

16 Jul 13:19
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Hot fix: make ClassHeaderReader support Java 18 bytecode

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.6.2

09 Jul 13:51
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This is maintenance release with the following changes:

  1. Tascalate ASMX dependency is updated to the version 9.2.0 (OW2 ASM 9.2) to support newer JDK versions (Java 16+)
  2. Ant and JUnit dependecies are updated according to GitHub Dependabot security advisor.

Tascalate JavaFlow 2.6.1

29 Jul 14:40
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This is a maintenance release that addresses the following issues:

  • Fix bug with redefining system classes and library classes in the ContinuableClassLoader
  • Fix bug with redefining system classes and library classes in both CDI and regular agent
  • Refactor common code from CDI and regular agents to the separate shared module
  • Simplify ResourceTransformationFactory API
  • Use ObjectWeb ASM "add-mostly" optimization when transforming classes
  • Use the most actual ObjectWeb ASM 7.1 (transitively) and SLF4J versions