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vcsim features

Doug MacEachern edited this page Apr 4, 2020 · 6 revisions

vcsim Features

Interacting with vcsim using the vSphere SOAP and REST APIs as you would a real vCenter covers the majority of vcsim use cases. In this document we cover additional features that are specific to vcsim.


By default, vcsim allows any non-empty username and password for authentication via the SessionManager.Login() method. To require a specific combination:

% vcsim -username root -password my-password
export GOVC_URL=https://root:my-password@ GOVC_SIM_PID=22732

Go example

Injecting Virtual Machine properties

The vm.customize command can be used to set many (but not all) guest properties, using the same APIs as you would against a real vCenter. Example:

% govc vm.power -off DC0_H0_VM1

% govc vm.customize -vm DC0_H0_VM1 -name fourtythree -ip

% govc vm.power -on DC0_H0_VM1

% govc object.collect -s vm/DC0_H0_VM1 guest.ipAddress guest.hostName

% govc vm.ip DC0_H0_VM1

Go example

Certain VirtualMachine properties cannot be modified using API methods in a real vCenter environment. Such fields can be populated in vcsim using VirtualMachineConfigSpec.ExtraConfig entries with a SET. prefix. Example:

% govc object.collect -s vm/DC0_H0_VM0 overallStatus

% govc vm.change -vm DC0_H0_VM0 -e SET.overallStatus=red

% govc object.collect -s vm/DC0_H0_VM0 overallStatus

The following example has the same effect as using the vm.customize command above:

% govc vm.change -vm DC0_H0_VM0 -e SET.guest.ipAddress= -e SET.guest.hostName=fourtytwo

% govc object.collect -s vm/DC0_H0_VM0 guest.ipAddress guest.hostName

% govc vm.ip DC0_H0_VM0

Go example

Containers as VMs

For the use case of VirtualMachine interaction outside of the API, a container can be tied to the lifecycle of a vcsim VM. The VM guest field is populated with the container's IP address and MAC address. And VirtualMachine lifecycle methods are mapped to the container:

VM State VM Method Docker command
poweredOff PowerOn start
suspended PowerOn unpause
poweredOn PowerOff stop
poweredOn Suspend pause
poweredOn Reset stop ; start
poweredOff Destroy rm -f

To use this feature, add a RUN.container key to the VirtualMachineConfigSpec.ExtraConfig field, with a value of the args to pass to docker run. If there is more than 1 argument, the list must be json encoded.


% govc vm.power -off DC0_H0_VM0
Powering off VirtualMachine:vm-53... OK

% govc vm.change -vm DC0_H0_VM0 -e RUN.container=nginx

% govc vm.power -on DC0_H0_VM0
Powering on VirtualMachine:vm-53... OK

% docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' DC0_H0_VM0

% govc vm.ip DC0_H0_VM0

% curl -s | grep title
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

% docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' DC0_H0_VM0

% govc vm.power -off DC0_H0_VM0
Powering off VirtualMachine:vm-53... OK

% docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' DC0_H0_VM0

% govc vm.destroy DC0_H0_VM0

% docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' DC0_H0_VM0
Error: No such object: DC0_H0_VM0

Go example

Record and Playback

The govc command can be used to save the inventory of running vCenter, an ESXi host or a vcsim instance. By default, the entire inventory is saved including the ServiceInstance, all Managed Objects and their properties. Each object is saved to a .xml file in ObjectContent format. The object files are saved inside a directory, which defaults to ./vcsim-$hostname and can be overridden using the -d flag.

% govc -u user:pass@my-vcenter -d my-vcenter
Saved 164 total objects to "my-vcenter", including:
ClusterComputeResource: 2
Datastore: 6
DistributedVirtualPortgroup: 2
EnvironmentBrowser: 2
Folder: 20
HostDatastoreBrowser: 6
HostSystem: 4
Network: 3
OpaqueNetwork: 30
ResourcePool: 15
VirtualMachine: 29

The vcsim -load flag will populate vcsim with the saved inventory, rather than vcsim's own built-in/default inventory.


% vcsim -load my-vcenter &

% export GOVC_URL=https://user:pass@

% govc find / -type ClusterComputeResource | wc -l

% govc find / -type Datastore | wc -l

Modifying saved inventory

The properties withing the saved object files can be manually modified to cover cases that the API does not. For example, HostSystem hardware properties cannot be changed using the API.

% vcsim &
export GOVC_URL=https://user:pass@ GOVC_SIM_PID=16237

% export GOVC_URL=https://user:pass@ GOVC_SIM_PID=16237

% govc object.collect -type HostSystem / summary.hardware.memorySize
HostSystem:host-20  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720
HostSystem:host-32  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720
HostSystem:host-39  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720
HostSystem:host-46  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720

% govc -d vcsim-host-math
Saved 69 total objects to "vcsim-host-math", including:
DistributedVirtualPortgroup: 2
EnvironmentBrowser: 2
Folder: 5
HostSystem: 4
ResourcePool: 2
VirtualMachine: 4

% kill $GOVC_SIM_PID

% xmlstarlet ed -L -u '//propSet[name="summary"]//hardware/memorySize' -v 8588861440 vcsim-host-math/*host-20.xml

% vcsim -load ./vcsim-host-math &

% govc object.collect -type HostSystem / summary.hardware.memorySize
HostSystem:host-20  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  8588861440 # doubled the memory of this host
HostSystem:host-32  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720
HostSystem:host-39  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720
HostSystem:host-46  summary.hardware.memorySize  int64  4294430720

Introducing delays

Sometimes, especially when debugging software, it can be useful to introduce delays to simulate network latency or a poorly performing vCenter. There are three command line options for dealing with delays.


Adds a constant delay (expressed in milliseconds) to every call.


% vcsim -delay 100


Adds a specified delay to individual methods. If both -method-delay and -delay are specified, they are added together.


% vcsim -method-delay PowerOnVM_Task:100,PowerOffVM_Task:50


Specifies a jitter, i.e. a random value added to or subtracted from the delay. It is specified as a Coefficient of Variation, which is the same as the standard deviation divided by the mean. A reasonable starting value is 0.5, as it gives a nice variation without extreme outliers.


% vcsim -delay-jitter 0.5