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Android app reproducing an issue in minified Android apps implementing a Retrofit service (+ Kotlinx Serialization) returning an unused type.

The steps to reproduce the issue are:

  1. You have an API service that looks like the next.
data class ResponseBody(
    @SerialName("status") val status: String? = null,

interface ExampleApiService {

    suspend fun getOperation(
        @Body requestBody: RequestBody,
    ): Response<ResponseBody>

    companion object {
        fun create(): ExampleApiService {
                .addConverterFactory(Json.asConverterFactory("application/json".toMediaType())) // this plays a role here too
  1. You code uses the API call but ignores the response body.
val apiService = ExampleApiService.create()

val response = apiService.getOperation(RequestBody("Test", 1))

if (response.isSuccessful) {
    // ignore body
  1. Run this code in a minified build, and you'll get the next exception:
Process: com.vicgarci.repro, PID: 20782
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create converter for class java.lang.Object
  for method ExampleApiService.postOperation1
  at retrofit2.Utils.methodError(
	at retrofit2.HttpServiceMethod.createResponseConverter(
	at retrofit2.HttpServiceMethod.parseAnnotations(
	at retrofit2.ServiceMethod.parseAnnotations(
	at retrofit2.Retrofit.loadServiceMethod(
	at retrofit2.Retrofit$1.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.invoke(
	at $Proxy2.postOperation1(Unknown Source)

Caused by: kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'Any' is not found.
Please ensure that class is marked as '@Serializable' and that the serialization compiler plugin is applied.                                                                                                  
  at kotlinx.serialization.internal.PlatformKt.serializerNotRegistered(Platform.kt:31)
	at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersJvmKt.serializer(SerializersJvm.kt:77)
	at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt.serializer(Unknown Source:1)
	at com.jakewharton.retrofit2.converter.kotlinx.serialization.Serializer.serializer(Serializer.kt:21)
	at com.jakewharton.retrofit2.converter.kotlinx.serialization.Factory.responseBodyConverter(Factory.kt:26)
	at retrofit2.Retrofit.nextResponseBodyConverter(
	at retrofit2.Retrofit.responseBodyConverter(
	at retrofit2.HttpServiceMethod.createResponseConverter(
	... 80 more

I believe the problem is caused by a combination of R8, retrofit, and Json's ConverterFactory in this example:

  • R8 detects the ResponseBody type is unused, and so it removes the class and replaces its usages with the Object type.
  • When retrofit tries to create the responseConverter for ExampleApiService.getOperation, it delegates to Jsons ConverterFactory, which will provide the appropriate deserializer.
  • Jsons ConverterFactory finds that the type it needs to provide a deserializer for is Object (or Any in the Kotlin world) and fails because it does not know how to do that.


Android app reproducing an issue in minified Android apps implementing a Retrofit service (+ Kotlinx Serialization) returning an unused type




