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This example was tested in Chrome v115.

Code writing guild

The following shows how to use the Web player. You can find all the source codes at

  1. Download the latest js file curl -O

  2. Import the js library.

    import { AuroraLivePlayer } from './auroralive-player';
  3. Get the element of video.

    const video = document.querySelector('video');
  4. Create an instance of player, passing some params:

    let player: AuroraLivePlayer;
    if (video) {
      player = new AuroraLivePlayer({
        video: video,
        iceServers: iceServers,
        debug: true,
        statsTypeFilter: '^candidate-*|^inbound-rtp',
        retry: 0
  5. start the player.

    await player.load(new URL(url), token.value);

Run example server

This example needs node v18+.

run server locally

  1. npm ci
  2. npm run serve
  3. open browerser at localhost:2345

try online

  1. visit
  2. disable chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests if you are using a non-https endpoint url.
  3. fill url and token
  4. click play