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Auto Meeting Joiner

An awesome way to join all of your classes!

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About The Project

You can always join your classes by finding the timetable and then looking for the link corresponding to it, but why not do it with just one click? You may say it's not possible but it's right here!

Here's why you should try this:

  • You won't have the hassle of finding the links everytime before you join a class! 🎯
  • You won't have to keep track of different links! 🖼️
  • It's one click-join 😄


You can follow the steps given below to get your Meeting Joiner ready!

Method 1: [ Windows 8 | 10 | 11 ]

1. Download the zip file by clicking on the green "Code" button ---> "Download ZIP" 🧑‍💻

2. Open file explorer and locate "" 🖱️

3. Right click on "" and then click "Extract all" 🔓

4. You will find the extracted folder! 📂

5. Open the folder and find all the files 🗄️

6. Run "Meeting Joiner", your antivirus might think this is a dangerous file to run. Click on "More info" ℹ️

More info

7. After clicking on "More info", click on "Run anyway"! :runner:

8. On your first run, the setup window for your details should open up as such: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

9. [OPTIONAL] You can pin "Meeting Joiner.exe" to your Start Menu or Taskbar 😶‍🌫️

Method 2: [ MacOS | Any Linux Distro ]

PLEASE NOTE: You will need python3 insatlled.

  1. Clone the repo or download the zip 📥
git clone
  1. Open terminal and run 🧑‍💻
cd path/to/MeetingJoiner

Your setup should start right away!

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Once your setup is complete on the first run, it is ready to use!

All you need to do now is to double-click the "Meeting Joiner.exe" (for Windows Opterating System) when your classes are going on, and it will put you in the class!

This application is currently in beta and awaiting testing for all classes!

For any queries, you can mail me at

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Vineet Mehta - @vineetmehtaa -

Project Link -

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