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Demo project for the Spring Cloud Webinar

Presentation should be available here.

Java Spring RabbitMQ Docker Kubernetes Gradle

This project contains basic examples for adding Spring Cloud components to your own projects.

In the beginning it consists of two purely synthetic modules just to have some basic "business" functionality. Docgen module calls clientinfo module. You can imagine that the first service is like some report generation system that needs info for it's result from the client service. No unit-test just because it's a minimal demo that needed to be shown in a short amount of time 😉

Each branch shows changes needed to add the corresponding component:

Component for configuring several modules/services from the same config source.

Service discovery component.

A declarative REST client.

Routing service component.

Component that provides an abstraction for the Circuit Breaker pattern with Resilience4j as an implementation.

Secret storage management - Hashicorp's Vault.

7. Bus

Broadcast service for system-wide configuration update triggers or other messages. Uses RabbitMQ as a transport system.


Minimal demonstration on how Spring Cloud components can be used with the Kubernetes deployments.