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Roman Stumm edited this page Jan 5, 2016 · 11 revisions

NLS Tools - ant tasks for managing resource bundles

Tools (ant tasks) for I18n management of different locales and their translations.

What's new?

API documentation

Ant-Tasks manage resource bundles

Some ant-tasks. You can use them with ant or maven2 (with maven-antrun-plugin).

Reference nlstools in maven pom.xml


transitive dependencies

current info, see





        <!-- required for JSON support with XStream -->

        <!-- required to read/write excel spreadsheets -->


Resource Bundle as XML

  <bundle baseName="Example" interfaceName="com.viaboxx.I_Example">
    <entry key="key1">
      <description>a description for the entry</description>
      <text locale="de">Beispieltext mit ÄÖÜ</text>
      <text locale="en">An example</text>
    <entry key="key2">
      <text locale="de" review="true">anderer Wert</text>

XML Attributes and Elements

  - Element: bundles
    Root tag of XML resource bundles file
    - Attributes: -
    - Elements: bundle (0..n) - resource bundles in the file

  - Element: bundle
    A single resource bundle in the file
    - Attributes:
        baseName   - name of bundle
        interfaceName - (optional) name of interface to generate
        sqldomain - (optional) name of sql file to generate
    - Elements: entry - (0..n) entries in the bundle

  - Element: entry
    - Attributes:
        key - unique key of the resource entry
    - Elements:
       description - (optional) textual description of the entry
       texts - (0..n) the translations for different locales

  - Element: text
    A translation of an entry for a locale.
    - Value: the translation (\n = carriage return)
    - Attributes:
        locale - locale key (en_EN, ...), unique under its entry
        review - (boolean, optional) true to mark the entry as "to be reviewed"
        useDefault - (boolean, optional) true to mark the entry as "use translation from common bundle"

Resource Bundle as Excel spreadsheet

For each bundle, create a new page in the excel file, like this:

  • You find an example for an excel sheet at excelExample.xls

  • You can use the .xls file instead of the .xml file in all ant-tasks. You can let translator users work on the excel files.

  • Red colored texts are marked as "to be reviewed", when converting between excel and xml format.

  • Cells with grey background indicate missing translations.

  • Each spreadsheet in the excel file represents a single resource bundle.



Refer to the Example Project for a runnable demonstration. Refer to the Best Practise for a usage description.

Usage of 'nlstools' with maven2

Maven Integration

Using nlstools for a Grails project

Grails Integration

Using nlstools for a Flex project with maven flex mojos

Flex Integration

Gradle Integration

Gradle Integration

Groovy Support

Groovy Support