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Protocol Documentation

xordotxor edited this page Sep 26, 2012 · 3 revisions

This documentation is for server lists that wish to add Votifier support.

A connection is made to the Votifier server by the server list, and immediately Votifier will send its version in the following packet:

VOTIFIER <version>

For example, an instance running Votifier 1.9 will send:


Votifier then expects a 256 byte RSA encrypted block (the public key should be obtained by the Votifier user), with the following format:

Type Value
string VOTE
string serviceName
string username
string address
string timeStamp
byte[] empty

The first string of value "VOTE" is an opcode check to ensure that RSA was encoded and decoded properly, if this value is wrong then Votifier assumes that there was a problem with encryption and drops the connection. serviceName is the name of the top list service, username is the username (entered by the voter) of the person who voted, address is the IP address of the voter, and timeStamp is the time stamp of the vote. Each string is delimited by the newline character \n (byte value 10). The space block is the empty space that is left over, the block must be exactly 256 bytes regardless of how much information it holds.

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