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Enhanced ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, NGINX, X-Pack, Curator) on top of Docker Swarm


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Enhanced ELK Stack

Enhanced ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, X-Pack, Curator)

Run enhanced ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, X-Pack, Curator, NGINX) on top of Docker Swarm.

It will give you the ability to analyze any data set by using the searching/aggregation capabilities of Elasticsearch and the visualization power of Kibana.

Based on official Elasticsearch Docker images plus custom Curator:


  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Initial Setup
  4. Storage
  5. Scale


Host setup

  1. Install [Docker] version 17.06.0+ in Swarm Mode
  2. Clone this repository


Bringing up the stack

Start the ELK stack using docker and giving it a name:

$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml <STACK NAME>

Give Kibana about 2 minutes to initialize, then access the Kibana web UI by hitting http://:5601 with a web browser.

By default, the stack exposes the following ports:

  • 5044: Logstash Beats input.
  • 5601: Kibana with default X-Pack credentials (user: elastic, password: changeme)
  • 9200: Elasticsearch with default X-Pack credentials (user: elastic, password: changeme)

Initial setup

How can I tune the Logstash configuration?

The Logstash configuration is stored in docker-configs/logstash/logstash.yml.

NOTE: logstash.yml is configured to receive data by a Beats client on port 5044 without filters. Probably you'll need to configure this file according yours needs.

How can I tune the Curator configuration?

The Curator configuration is stored in docker-configs/curator/curator.yml and docker-configs/curator/actions.yml.

NOTE: Curator is configured to purge ant logstash-* index older than 30 days. Probably you'll need to configure these files according yours needs.

Why NGINX as a proxy?

Since we need DNS Round Robin in Swarm service configuration for Elasticsearch to achieve scaling on unicast messages, Docker can't publish on ingress network (VIP is required). So I put an NGINX in front of Elasticsearch as a proxy.


Where Elasticsearch data is persisted?

The data stored in Elasticsearch will be persisted in a docker volume named elastic_data.


How can I scale this Stack?

This Docker Stack is easly scalable with scale capability of Docker Swarm.

This is an example of scale procedure:

$ docker service scale elk_logstash=3

BEWARE before scaling elasticsearch instance: make sure do you have enough free nodes. You cannot have two instance of elasticsearch on the same node due to same data volume conflict.


Enhanced ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, NGINX, X-Pack, Curator) on top of Docker Swarm








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