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v3.1.0: register_next_step_handler and more...

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@usernein usernein released this 31 Oct 16:16
· 18 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

  • Client.stop_listening is now an async function, so you must await it if you're calling it on your code. If you don't use stop_listening, there is no breaking changes for you.

Highlights of this release

  • register_next_step_handler is finally here!
    A lot of people that asks for conversation handling on Pyrogram (and don't know pyromod yet) actually wants something like pyTelegramBotApi does with register_next_step_handler. Well, finally you can use it in Pyrogram, with pyromod! And it's not based on Futures like listen and ask are, so those who don't like pyromod might like this new feature.

The difference from pyTelegramBotApi's approach is that with pyromod, your callback will actually receive the Client object and the received Message (or CallbackQuery). In pyTelegramBotApi, the callback receives only the Message. Also, you don't need to call any other function than register_next_step_handler. You just call it passing your callback and that's all! Check the example below:

  • Now pyromod accepts lists of values for chat_id, user_id, message_id and inline_message_id.
  • Now pyromod accepts usernames for chat_id and user_id, so the example above could also be:

Other changes

  • Thanks to @jusidama18 with #34, now pyromod will also work if you use sync filters.

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0