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Arbitrum L1 to L2 messaging proposal (#13516)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* added 010-arbitrum-l1-l2-messaging.js to /goverance/proposals

* removed unnecessary comments

* moved ERC20_ABI and INBOX_ABI inline and removed /helper/abi folder

* signed Contributor License Agreement

* removed console logs, and .env file

* used fixed version numbers for arbitrum packages, added config.js file

* changed excessFeeRefundAddress to the dao's address

* added comments in front of params to provide their names

* formated proposal description correctly

* feat(locksmith): better fatal error handling with a logging statement

* feat(locksmith): adding cache for decoy users

* fix(deps): update dependency express [security] (#13524)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency unified to v11, remark-html to v15, remark-parse to v11 (#13531)

* Updated unified & related dependencies

* Updated remark

* Revert "fix(deps): update dependency unified to v11, remark-html to v15, remark-parse to v11" (#13532)

Revert "fix(deps): update dependency unified to v11, remark-html to v15, rema…"

This reverts commit 80969a6.

* feat(unlock-app): changed the UI for refunds per Dappcon Team requests (#13528)

* changed the UI for refunds per Gnosis

* refactored receipt number

* fix(unlock-protocol-com): removed distDir from next config

* Ccarfi microcopy fixes on referrals and refunds (#13536)

* Update Referrals.tsx

microcopy fix

* Update CancellationForm.tsx

microcopy update

* Update UpdateReferralFee.tsx

microcopy update

* feat(docs): add changelog for Unlock 13 and PublicLock 14 (#13534)

* add publicLock changelog

* add Unlock changelog

* add contributors to .clabot (#13537)

* feat(governance): allow test execution of proposal from tx id (#13509)

* allow test execution of proposal from tx id

* parse and pass correctly tx args

* add unlock addresses in whales

* allow proposal id only for votes

* pass odwn tx receipt

* herlpes for gov contract

* log events after proposal execution

* Update governance/scripts/gov/index.js


Co-authored-by: Julien Genestoux <>

* fix(deps): update dependency @nuintun/qrcode to v4 (#13541)

* Updated nuintun/qrcode

* Update qrcode.ts

* fix(deps): update dependency unified to v11, remark-html to v16, remark-parse to v11 (#13535)

* Updated unified & related dependencies

* Updated remark

* Fixed dependencies in unlock-app

* fix(locksmith) fixing export (#13542)

fixing export

* feat(networks): add support for Base sepolia (#13529)

* add basic network file

* readme typo

* add verification

* remove unused param

* unlock deploymeny

* etherscan api key

* update base scan api key again

* correct unlock address

* use actual proxy address

* add subgraph

* update readme

* add multisig

* add provider

* Update packages/networks/src/networks/base-sepolia.ts

* use unlock provider


Co-authored-by: Julien Genestoux <>

* cleanup: removed goerli (#13540)

* removed goerli

* removed stale include

* linting

* using op instead of goerli in tests

* fixing tests

* Updated PR to address comments
* Replaced arbLog with regular console log
* Removed changes in .env.copy
* Used fixed version numbers for arbitrum sdk packages
* Used env variables place holder for privateKey and API keys
* Move addresses to separate config file `config.js`
* Changed excessFeeRefundAddress to timelock address
* Added comments in front of function params to provide their names
* Formated Proposal description correctly

* Updated PR
* Downgraded to ethers 6.10.0
* Switched L2RPC to Unlock RPC for Arbitrum
* Moved createRetyrableTicket Params to variable for consistency
* Capitalize constant names

* Resolved yarn.lock merge conflict

* Updated PR:
* Used providers, and addresses from networks package
* Renamed config.js to constants.js
* Used suggested style guide for variable names
* More detailed description

* Update governance/proposals/constants.js

* Update governance/proposals/010-arbitrum-l1-l2-messaging.js

* use ethers5

* refactor proposal

* * Revert change to .gitignore, and .env.copy
* Use actual amount of ARB tokens required

* * Update proposal description
* Use correct proposal amount
* Revert .gitignore, and .env.copy changes


Co-authored-by: Julien Genestoux <>
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Viacheslav <>
Co-authored-by: Christopher Carfi <>
Co-authored-by: Clément Renaud <>
Co-authored-by: Tyler Sehr <>
Co-authored-by: Clément Renaud <>
Co-authored-by: Clément Renaud <>
  • Loading branch information
9 people committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent b22bd63 commit a5c3404
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 594 additions and 31 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions governance/package.json
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
"description": "Scripts for the management of the Unlock Protocol",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@arbitrum/nitro-contracts": "1.0.2",
"@arbitrum/sdk": "3.1.9",
"@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy": "1.1.2",
"@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc": "1.1.0",
"@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-upgradable": "1.2.4",
Expand All @@ -21,8 +23,10 @@
"@unlock-protocol/hardhat-helpers": "workspace:^",
"@unlock-protocol/hardhat-plugin": "workspace:^",
"@unlock-protocol/networks": "workspace:./packages/networks",
"arb-shared-dependencies": "1.0.0",
"eslint": "8.54.0",
"ethers": "6.10.0",
"ethers5": "npm:ethers@5",
"fs-extra": "11.2.0",
"hardhat": "2.20.1",
"solhint": "4.5.2",
Expand Down
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions governance/proposals/010-arbitrum-l1-l2-messaging.js
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
const ethers = require('ethers5')
const {
} = require('@arbitrum/sdk/dist/lib/message/L1ToL2MessageGasEstimator')
const { EthBridger, getL2Network } = require('@arbitrum/sdk')
const { getBaseFee } = require('@arbitrum/sdk/dist/lib/utils/lib')
const { mainnet, arbitrum } = require('@unlock-protocol/networks')

const GRANTS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x00D5E0d31d37cc13C645D86410aB4cB7Cb428ccA' // Grants contract on Arbitrum
const TIMELOCK_L2_ALIAS = '0x28ffDfB0A6e6E06E95B3A1f928Dc4024240bD87c' // Timelock Alias Address on L2
const L1_TIMELOCK_CONTRACT = '0x17EEDFb0a6E6e06E95B3A1F928dc4024240BC76B' // Timelock Address mainnet

const { address: ARB_TOKEN_ADRESS_ON_L2 } = arbitrum.tokens.find(
({ symbol }) => symbol === 'ARB'
const ERC20_ABI = require('@unlock-protocol/hardhat-helpers/dist/ABIs/erc20.json')
const INBOX_ABI = [
inputs: [
internalType: 'address',
name: 'to',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'l2CallValue',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'maxSubmissionCost',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'excessFeeRefundAddress',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'callValueRefundAddress',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'gasLimit',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'maxFeePerGas',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'bytes',
name: 'data',
type: 'bytes',
name: 'createRetryableTicket',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: '',
type: 'uint256',
stateMutability: 'payable',
type: 'function',

* Set up: instantiate L1 / L2 wallets connected to providers

const l1Provider = new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(mainnet.provider)
const l2Provider = new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(arbitrum.provider)

module.exports = async ({
tokenAddressL2 = ARB_TOKEN_ADRESS_ON_L2,
}) => {
'Proposal For Executing L1 to L2 Messaging Using Arbitrum Delayed Inbox (Retryable Tickets)'

const l2Network = await getL2Network(l2Provider)
const ethBridger = new EthBridger(l2Network)
const inboxAddress = ethBridger.l2Network.ethBridge.inbox

// token on L2
const L2TokenContract = new ethers.Contract(
const decimals = await L2TokenContract.decimals()

// check balance of sender on L2
const balanceOf = await L2TokenContract.balanceOf(fromL2)
const tokenAmount = ethers.utils.parseUnits('8200', decimals)

// Create an instance of the Interface from the ABIs
const erc20ContractInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ERC20_ABI)
const inboxContractInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(INBOX_ABI)

// Encode the ERC20 Token transfer calldata
const transferCalldata = erc20ContractInterface.encodeFunctionData(
[toL2, tokenAmount]

* Now we can query the required gas params using the estimateAll method in Arbitrum SDK
const l1ToL2MessageGasEstimate = new L1ToL2MessageGasEstimator(l2Provider)

const estimateAllParams = {
from: fromL1,
to: tokenAddressL2,
l2CallValue: 0,
excessFeeRefundAddress: fromL1,
callValueRefundAddress: fromL1,
data: transferCalldata,

* The estimateAll method gives us the following values for sending an L1->L2 message
* (1) maxSubmissionCost: The maximum cost to be paid for submitting the transaction
* (2) gasLimit: The L2 gas limit
* (3) deposit: The total amount to deposit on L1 to cover L2 gas and L2 call value
const L1ToL2MessageGasParams = await l1ToL2MessageGasEstimate.estimateAll(
await getBaseFee(l1Provider),
const gasPriceBid = await l2Provider.getGasPrice()
const ETHDeposit = L1ToL2MessageGasParams.deposit.toNumber() * 10 // I Multiply by 10 to add extra in case gas changes due to proposal delay

const params = [,
L1ToL2MessageGasParams.maxSubmissionCost.toString(), // maxSubmissionCost
L1ToL2MessageGasParams.gasLimit.toString(), // gasLimit
gasPriceBid.toString(), // maxFeePerGas,

const inboxCalldata = inboxContractInterface.encodeFunctionData(

const proposalName = `
# Transfer 8200 ARB To Fund Unlock Protocol’s Ecosystem via Grants Stack
### Goal of the proposal
This proposal requests to use 8200 ARB from the tokens given to Unlock Protocol DAO by ArbitrumDAO to fund the retroQF round on Grants Stack for projects building on Unlock Protocol.
#### Current situation of DAO's ARB Tokens
- total: ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(balanceOf, decimals).toString()} ARB.
- DAO ALIAS Address (On Arbitrum): [${fromL2}](${fromL2})
For Reference
[Snapshot temperature check for Retro QF Grants Round](
In addition to the 7k ARB tokens requested for funding Unlock Ecosystem projects, an extra 1200 ARB is requested for compensation for the round management according to the following breakdown:
7000 ARB - Matching fund
700 ARB (10%) of matching fund to the round manager - lanadingwall.eth
500 ARB for research and technical assistance - dannithomx.eth
Total: 8200 ARB
[Snapshot temperature check for 8200 ARBs](
#### About the proposal
The proposal contains a single call to the Arbitrum Delayed Inbox Contract's \`createRetryableTicket\` function on mainnet to create a \`Retryable Ticket\` that will attempt to execute an L2 request to the ARB token contract to transfer ${ethers.utils
.formatUnits(tokenAmount, decimals)
.toString()} of token from the Timelock L2 Alias address \`${fromL2}\` to the [grants contract]( - \`transfer(${toL2},${ethers.utils
.formatUnits(tokenAmount, decimals)
Once approved and executed, the request will be sent to the Delayed Inbox contract and a ticket is created.
Note that, this function forces the sender to provide a reasonable amount of funds (at least enough to submitting, and attempting to executing the ticket), but that doesn't guarantee a successful auto-redemption. [Checkout arbitrum docs for more info.](
Thank you!
// Proposal ARGS i.e Call Governor.propose() directly with these values
const targets = [inboxAddress]
const values = [ETHDeposit]
const calldatas = [inboxCalldata]
const description = proposalName

const calls = [
contractAddress: inboxAddress,
calldata: inboxCalldata,
value: ETHDeposit.toString(),

return {

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