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This is a project investigate the seasonal pattern of crimes in NYC and Chicago

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Crime Seasonality Analysis

In this project, we apply timer series analysis on NYC crime dataset and Chicago crime dataset. The time series method applied are ARIMA and seasonal ARIMA.

Table of Contents


Provide a more detailed explanation of the project here. This could include what problem the project solves, what technologies it uses, and any important design decisions.

Project File structure

├── ana_code
│   ├── analysis_chicago_all.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_chicago_type1.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_chicago_type2.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_merged_all.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_merged_type1.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_merged_type2.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_nyc_all.ipynb
│   ├── analysis_nyc_type1.ipynb
│   └── analysis_nyc_type2.ipynb
├── data
│   ├── battery_occurrence_per_day.csv
│   ├── crime_occurrence_per_day.csv
│   ├── nypd_all.csv
│   ├── nypd_assault.csv
│   ├── nypd_larceny.csv
│   └── theft_occurrence_per_day.csv
├── data_ingest
│   ├── tz2076
│   │   └──
│   └── yx2021
│       └──
├── etl_code
│   ├── tz2076
│   │   └── cleaning.scala
│   └── yx2021
│       ├── pipeline
│       │   ├── etl1.scala
│       │   └── etl2.scala
│       └── shell
│           ├── etl1.scala
│           ├── etl2.scala
│           └── loading.scala
├── output
│   ├── chicago_all_pred.jpg
│   ├── chicago_type1_pred.jpg
│   ├── chicago_type2_pred.jpg
│   ├── merged_all_pred.jpg
│   ├── merged_type1_pred.jpg
│   ├── merged_type2_pred.jpg
│   ├── nyc_all_pred.jpg
│   ├── nyc_type1_pred.jpg
│   └── nyc_type2_pred.jpg
└── profiling_code
    ├── tz2076
    │   └── profiling.scala
    └── yx2021
        └── profiling.scala

Data Source

NYC Crime data Chicago Crime data


NYC Crime Data Chicago Crime Data


  1. Download two datasets from the source websites.
  2. Upload to NYU HPC (High-Performance Computer).
  3. Put data onto HDFS for big data processing with command hdfs dfs -put local_file_path hdfs_file_path which can be found in folder data_ingest.

Pre-processing NYC

ETL / Cleaning

The input data is located at: hdfs://nyu-dataproc-m/user/tz2076_nyu_edu/final_project/data/nypd_raw_data.csv. The code reads in the data that I provide and does data cleaning job through spark.

Below are the column that I selected to be used in further work:

|-- id: integer (nullable = true)
|-- date: date (nullable = true)
|-- typeId: integer (nullable = true)
|-- typeDesc: string (nullable = true)

This dataframe is saved to be used in the profiling process, located at hdfs://nyu-dataproc-m/user/tz2076_nyu_edu/final_project/data/nypd_cleaned.csv.

After that, I aggregate information from the data.

  1. In extraction stage, I filter out two extra dataframes which only contains either LARCENY crimes or ASSAULT crimes with regular expression based methods.
  2. Use the original dataframe which contains all crime types and these two dataframes, I aggregate the number of crimes in each day with groupby("date") separately.
  3. Save those data separately in the directory final_project/data.

Here are the files of processed data:

|-- `nyc_all.csv`
|-- `nyc_assault.csv`
|-- `nyc_larceny.csv`

These three aggregated dataframes contains these two columns:

|-- date: date (nullable = true)
|-- count: integer (nullable = true)

All work could be done by running spark-shell --deploy-mode client -i cleaning.scala on HPC.


This stage explores the intermediate data nypd_cleaned.csv from cleaning stage and generate some information about the dataset.

  1. Cast id and typeId into INTEGER.
  2. Cast date into type date object with the format MM/dd/yyyy.
  3. Find which week the date was in, and store the information as week_number.
  4. Get distinct value in date and typeId.
  5. Check the mean value for week_number.
  6. Group the records by typeId and typeDesc and aggregate the counts of them.

All work could be done by running spark-shell --deploy-mode client -i profiling.scala on HPC.

Pre-processing Chicago


Use file in profiling/yx2021/profiling.scala to profile the dataset. Steps include:

  1. Show dataset schema.
  2. Count distinct values.
  3. Find all distinct values for categorical variables.

ETL / Cleaning

Use files in etl_code/yx2021/ to do data cleaning and transforming. The files in folder pipeline and folder shell perform same functionality. Each file in folder pipeline can be executed as a whole scala file with command spark-shell --deploy-mode client -i FILENAME.scala. On the other hand, files in folder shell were written for user to run line by line in an scala interactive shell so that user could get a sense about how the data set is processed. Cleaning and transforming steps include:


  1. Drop unnecessary columns.
  2. Convert date filed into date object.
  3. Drop row that contains NaN values.
  4. Write the cleaned dataset to crime_type_data.csv


  1. Aggregate data on date to get the crime occurrence on each day.
  2. Filter data on crime type "theft" and then aggregate data on date to get theft_occurrence_per_day.csv.
  3. Filter data on crime type "battery" and then aggregate data on date to get battery_occurrence_per_day.csv.


Code in this file is ued to open scala shell and load raw data Chi_Crimes_2001_to_Present.csv into a dataframe in scala.


Open Jupyter Notebook on HPC

HPC Jupyter Tutorial

  1. Install google cloud gcloud on your local machine. gcloud installation tutorial
  2. In your terminal, run gcloud auth login. A web page will be prompt to ask you to login your authorized google account.
  3. On HPC, your home directory, run command jupyter-notebook. It will prompt a URL for you to copy and paste in a new page.
  4. From the output produced by jupyter-notebook, obtain the port number that the notebook is running on. Run below command in your terminal and replaced both PORT of this command with the port number:

gcloud compute ssh nyu-dataproc-m --project hpc-dataproc-19b8 --zone us-central1-f -- -N -L PORT:localhost:PORT

For example, if notebook is running on 8888, the command should be:

gcloud compute ssh nyu-dataproc-m --project hpc-dataproc-19b8 --zone us-central1-f -- -N -L 8888:localhost:8888

  1. Copy and paste the URL you obtain from step 3 into a new web page, now you should see the interface of jupyter notebook.

Timer series analysis

In total we have 3(cities) * 3(crime types) = 9 notebooks. Cites include Chicago, NYC, merged of both. Crime types include all crime types as whole, type 1 (theft/larceny), and type 2 (battery/assault). We sued type 1 and type 2 because NYC and Chicago encode the crime types differently. Based on our research on crime type encoding system, we recognize theft and larceny as type 1 and battery and assault as type 2.

All notebooks contain same analysis pipeline include below steps:

  1. Import required package and resolve dependency.
  2. Load datasets, initialized dataset specific variables, setup data frame (convert to date object and set as index).
  3. Data visualization of crime frequency in different scales (daily, weekly, monthly). All following steps is performed on monthly data, because the monthly data show more clear pattern.
  4. Check whether dataset is stationary with adfuller_test(), augmented Dickey-Fuller test.
  5. Performing differencing in shift of 12 month (Compute the difference between each observation and the corresponding observation from the same month in the previous year) to remove the macro trend component from the data.
  6. Perform adfuller_test() again on the data after differencing and check whether it is stationary.
  7. Create ACF and PACF plot to find potential lag value with high auto-correlation and partial auto-correlation.
  8. Split dataset into training and testing set.
  9. Training the seasonal ARIMA model and optimize it with parameter tunning.
  10. Show model summary.
  11. Use the model to predict on the test and visualize the result of true values and predicted values.
  12. Output the plots in folder output.
  13. Evaluate each model on test set by RMSE (root mean square error).


The model we trained in this project could be used to predict future crime peaks. Specifically, our model works best on predicting type1 crime. On the other hand, model that predict single city performs better than predicted on merged dataset.


If interested, follow above instruction to reproduce the result and feel free to do modification and create a issue or pull request if you got any interesting insights!


This is a project investigate the seasonal pattern of crimes in NYC and Chicago







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