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James Hou edited this page May 13, 2021 · 8 revisions

Consider this wiki a syllabus created to guide you on your journey.

It was created to provide nouns and topics for additional studying outside of this wiki.

Additionally, some sections will include curated links on what I think are good additional resources to learn from (or do a much better job than I ever could on the topic at hand).

Note: This wiki is currently a WIP. I will be going from 301 => 101 (working backwards).

Getting Started

TODO: Add more detail below

  1. Pre-req, LWC will assume you have introductory / working knowledge in all these topics. [0% Complete]
  2. Follow the syllabus in this order:
    • JS 201 [0% Complete]
    • LWC 101 [0% Complete]
    • LWC 201 [0% Complete]
    • LWC 301 [90% Complete]
  3. Refer to Lessons Learned at any time.
    • I'll slowly work these points into the sections above, for now consider this an artifact.