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trevornunes edited this page Dec 30, 2011 · 2 revisions

Location of games

Currently FCEUX will look for .nes files in a directory the user creates called /accounts/1000/shared/misc/roms/nes/ which is basically z:/misc/roms/nes when mounted on your computer.If it cant load a .nes file it will exit immediately.

  1. create a directory called roms/nes under the z:/misc mount on your playbook
  2. copy your unzipped .nes images to the dir.

Legal concerns with ROM images

ROM images are only legal if you own the cartridge, you can search google for 'nes rom download' or use Bittorrent if you want to download the .nes images. There are some open source games written for the NES that I might package with the emu but just be aware the issue of playing of .rom images is that you are expected to own the cartridge.


FCEUX uses the SDL and TouchControlOverlay libraries ( also on the github ). An xml file called sdl-controls.xml defines the NES virtual pad and sends keystrokes for the buttons. The layout is a work in progress and I still need to make a mouse mapping for Arkanoid etc. Ideally a dpad SDL joystick would be better for playability, or even a USB pad so it's an ongoing work item to ensure control inputs are useable.


Depends on SDL12, TouchControlOverlay libraries see for downloading these LUA is disabled/removed for now OpenGL is disabled/removed AVI saving is disabled

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