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Releases: tremendous-rewards/embed


16 Sep 12:43
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In this release, the reward passed to the onRedeem callback is jwt-encoded with your OAuth application secret, instead of your API Key.

If you're upgrading from version 2.5.3, you'll need to update your onRedeem callback as follows:

// version 2.5.3
onRedeem: function(rewardEncodedWithApiKey, rewardEncodedWithOauthAppSecret) {

// version 3.0.0
onRedeem: function(rewardEncodedWithOauthAppSecret) {
  // reward encoded with api key won't be provided anylonger.

For versions earlier than 2.5.3, the callback's first (and only) parameter will now be the reward encoded with the OAuth app secret:

// version <= 2.5.2 
onRedeem: function(rewardEncodedWithApiKey) {

// version 3.0.0
onRedeem: function(rewardEncodedWithOauthAppSecret) {


16 Sep 12:31
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Deprecating JWT-decoding with API key in favor of with OAuth app secret.

This release adds a second way to decode the JWT-encoded reward- with your OAuth application secret, rather than your API key. The previous approach (decoding via API key) is still available, but deprecated.

In 3.0.0, the ability to decode the JWT-encoded reward with an API key will disappear.