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Angular starter project with ngBoilerplate

##Adding a New Controller to ngBoilerplate Adding a new controller is pretty straight-forward. I usually just clone an existing src/app folder to get the new controller setup.

This example creates a new contact controller.

Copy and paste the src/app/home folder into a new src/app/contact folder:

$ mkdir src/app/contact
$ cp -r src/app/home/. src/app/contact

Rename all the home files to contact files:

$ cd src/app/home
$ ls home.* | awk '{print("mv "$1" "$1)}' | sed 's/home/contact/2' | /bin/sh

Replace all instances of home with contact in the files:

$ sed -i '' 's/home/contact/g' *.*
$ sed -i '' 's/Home/Contact/g' *.*

In the src/app/app.js file, add a reference to in the module definition on line 6:

angular.module( 'ngBoilerplate', [

To see the change, edit the index.html file's navigation bar to link to the new contact page we just created. On line 58, add this:

<li ui-route="/contact" ng-class="{active:$uiRoute}">
    <a href="#/contact">
        <i class="icon-book"></i>

Lastly, edit the src/app/contact/contact.tpl.html file, so it's different than the cloned home page:

 <h1>My New Contact Page Rocks!</h1>

If you add a new folder to the src/app folder, the grunt watch won't usually pick that up. You'll need to restart the grunt watch command.

##Original Build Instructions These are just my notes on how I created the initial starter package (for future reference).

###Angular ngBoilerplate - ngBoilerplate is the baseline app that gets cloned

$ git clone git:// angular-starter
$ cd angular-starter
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ sudo npm install
$ export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH
$ bower install
$ grunt build

The ngBoilerplate bower configuration installs these packages:

  • angular-bootstrap#0.3.0
  • angular#1.0.7
  • angular-mocks#1.0.7
  • angular-ui-router#0.0.1
  • angular-ui-utils#0.0.4
  • bootstrap#2.3.2
  • jquery#1.8.3

Launch the baseline application:

$ open ./build/index.html

###Using LiveReload for real-time rebuilding and refreshing of HTML page

To enable LiveReload, install the Chrome extension. Make sure to Allow access to file URLs in the extention's settings if you are running the HTML file from a local file:// path.

Then run grunt using the watch command:

$ grunt watch

If running grunt watch throws this error, find and kill any node processes:

Fatal error: Port 35729 is already in use by another process.

Make a change to the HTML and watch the page auto-reload in the browser:

$ open -a TextMate src/.


Angular starter project with ngBoilerplate







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