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Repository files navigation is a news aggregator that learns what topics are most important to you. As you read articles on you can vote articles, sources, topics up and down to help train the algorithm. Or you can just click on the articles you like and it does it all for you.

Since it aggregates across hundreds of news sources, you can quickly search topics and find what’s trending very quickly.

It even works when you’re not logged in!

What Happened?

We got pretty far but never launched. We were able to pull all the articles, tailor them towards the user. Unfortunately, it became a monolithic app that was painful to work on and it no longer became fun. We still love the idea of auto suggesting news but maybe this wasn’t the best route.


streame is primarially built on Kohana (originally with 3.3.0) with a AngularJS frontend.

The backend also relies on Redis, gearman, MariaDB, Elasticsearch, and PredictionIO. Config files are provided for nginx and MariaDB, however this project should work on similar web servers and databases without problem.

The frontend code was written in CoffeScript and requires node.js to compile back in to JavaScript.


There is a well fleshed puppet recipe in /config/init.pp. For a more hands on install, this will get you fairly close to running on a fresh Ubuntu installation.

Basic Installs (php/nginx/mariadb)

add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php5
add-apt-repository -y ppa:gearman-developers/ppa
add-apt-repository -y ppa:nginx/stable

apt-get install -y php-apc php-pear php5-cli php5-common php5-curl 
apt-get install -y php5-dev php5-fpm php5-geoip php5-mysql nginx apache2-utils 

apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0xcbcb082a1bb943db
add-apt-repository 'deb precise main'
apt-get install mariadb-server

Node Setup

add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
apt-get -y install nodejs ruby-dev rubygems npm
npm install coffee-script jslint -g
gem install compass

Checkout Repo


ln -s /path/to/streame/configs/nginx-conf /install/dir/sites-enabled

Database Setup

CREATE USER 'app'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'shibby';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON streame.* TO 'app'@'localhost';

Also import the sql schemas in /application/sql/tables.