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TSP ant colony optimization

The project aims to solve TSP by ant colony optimization method

config.ini file

The program reads data from the config.ini configuration file in the following syntax

<results file name>
<graph file name> <number of repeats> <alpha parameter> <beta parameter> <rho parameter> <number of iterations> <number of ants> <init tau parameter> <quantity of pheromone> <evaporation method> <correct TSP path weight> <correct TSP path> 
  • results file name - name of CSV file
  • graph file name - name of file with adjacency matrix of graph
  • number of repeats - number of repeats of algorithm
  • alpha parameter -
  • beta parameter -
  • rho parameter -
  • number of iterations -
  • number of ants -
  • init tau parameter
  • quantity of pheromone -
  • evaporation method -
  • correct TSP path weight - integer number
  • correct TSP path - sequence of integers number separated by space


In the graphs folder there are files with example graphs that can be used to test the program.

graph file name number of vertices weight of minimum hamilton cycle
burma14.txt 14 3323
gr17.txt 17 2085
gr21.txt 21 2707
gr24.txt 24 1272
bays29.txt 29 2020
ftv33.txt 33 1286
ftv44.txt 44 1613
ftv70.txt 70 1950
ch150.txt 150 6528
ftv170.txt 170 2755
gr202.txt 202 40160
rbg323.txt 323 1326
pcb442.txt 442 50778
rbg443.txt 443 2720
gr666.txt 666 294358
pr1002.txt 1002 259045