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Project intended to move the Huntflow reminders to a team chat (based on Rocket.Chat)


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hubot-huntflow-reloaded is a project intended to move the Huntflow reminders to a team chat (based on Rocket.Chat).

The project is split into two parts: server and client. The server side is a Huntflow webhook handler. When Huntflow sends a POST request to the server, the server, in turn, pulls the events from the requests, schedules and sends them to the client, a Hubot script, via a Redis broker (the client subscribes to the channel and the server publishes the message to the channel).

Table of Contents


  • The bot must be in the channel specified via the HUNTFLOW_REMINDER_CHANNEL environment variable.
  • There must be specified the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable (see the configuration section for details).
  • There must be specified SERVER_USER_EMAIL and SERVER_USER_PASSWORD(see the configuration section for details).


The client is a Hubot script intended to receive the reminders from the Redis channel and pass them to the specified Rocket.Chat channel.


In hubot project repo, run:

npm install git+ --save

Then add hubot-huntflow-reloaded to your external-scripts.json:



Parameter Description Default
HUNTFLOW_REMINDER_CHANNEL Defines the name of Rocket.Chat channel to send reminders to. It must exist before script run. hr
REDIS_HOST Specifies the Redis host.
REDIS_PORT Port Redis listens on. 16379
REDIS_PASSWORD Specifies the Redis password. null
REDIS_CHANNEL Defines the name of Redis channel to get messages from the server. hubot-huntflow-reloaded
BASE_SERVER_URL Defines the server url to handle requests.
SERVER_USER_EMAIL Defines the server user email to make authorized requests. null
SERVER_USER_PASSWORD Defines the server user password to make authorized requests. null


The Tornado-based server is intended to handle

  • Huntflow webhooks and schedule relevant reminders to be send to the client via Redis broker;
  • requests for listing candidates with non-expired interviews and removing non-expired interviews of the specified candidates.


The simplest way to install and run the server is to use the Docker image.

To run the server in the Docker container, go to the directory which contains the sources of the Docker image

$ cd server/docker

and run

$ docker-compose up

The command above will run huntflow-reloaded-server, the Redis and the PostgreSQL servers. To run only huntflow-reloaded-server, run

$ docker-compose up huntflow-reloaded-server

Note that in this case Redis and PostgreSQL servers should be run manually before huntflow-reloaded-server.

To build the Docker image, run make from the same directory. In a while, the huntflow-reloaded-server:latest image will be created.


The server can be configured via the following command line options or environment variables if you run it in a Docker container.

Environment variables Command line options Description Default
LOGLEVEL --logging Logs level. info
LOG_FILE --log-file-prefix File where log information will be stored. /var/log/huntflow-reloaded-server.log
POSTGRES_DBNAME --postgres-dbname Database name. huntflow-reloaded
POSTGRES_HOST --postgres-host PostgreSQL host.
POSTGRES_PORT --postgres-port Port PostgreSQL listens on. 5432
POSTGRES_USER --postgres-user PostgreSQL user name. postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD --postgres-pass Password of the above-mentioned PostgreSQL user.
REDIS_HOST --redis-host Redis host.
REDIS_PORT --redis-port Port Redis listens on. 6379 or 16379 (in a Docker container)
REDIS_PASSWORD --redis-password Redis password.
CHANNEL_NAME --channel-name Redis channel name to be used for communication between the server and client. hubot-huntflow-reloaded
TZ Timezone for for scheduler (for Docker container only). Europe/Moscow
ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME The lifetime in of the access JWT token in minutes (can be float). 1
REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME The lifetime in of the refresh JWT token in minutes (can be float). 60
SEKRET_KEY The string which will be used as secret for the tokens' encoding. secret
SMTP_SERVER SMTP server address.
SMTP_PORT SMTP port server listens on.
SENDER_EMAIL Sender email address.
SENDER_PASSWORD Sender email password.

How to run server for development purposes

  1. Create a virtual environment and install the required packages in it.

    virtualenv -p python3 hubot-huntflow-reloaded-env
    source hubot-huntflow-reloaded-env/bin/activate
    cd hubot-huntflow-reloaded
    pip install -r server/requirements.txt
  2. To start work with the huntflow-reloaded server you need to setup the PostgreSQL database and apply the migrations. The easiest way to do it is to specify the required param POSTGRES_PASSWORD, run

    cd server/docker/
    docker-compose up

    and then stop it by pressing Ctrl-C. It automatically prepares the database to be used later.

    Notice, that docker-compose runs three containers and if something goes wrong you need to look at huntflow-reloaded-server logs first of all to get to the bottom of the problem.

  3. Deploy the Rocket.Chat server locally and run Hubot. For the details see Rocket.Chat README, Rocket.Chat Hubot adapter README and client configuration section. The Hubot runs also the Redis server. If you don't need the client run the Redis server manually.

    docker-compose up redis

    Also to debug you can subscribe to the Redis channel to see the reminders as a client would receive. Find the name of the Redis container in the output of the command,

    docker ps

    start the Bash session in the running container via

    docker exec -it container_name bash

    and subscribe to the Redis channel.

    redis-cli -h -p 16379 
    SUBSCRIBE hubot-huntflow-reloaded

    Notice, that if you change the default settings you need to use them.

  4. Run PostgreSQL server

    docker-compose up postgres-hf
  5. Run huntflow-reloaded-server

    cd ..
    env PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 bin/ --redis-port=16379

    Now server is ready to accept connections.

How to use stubs

The json files in stubs directory mock the requests which huntflow-reloaded-server is able to handle. There are the Huntflow webhooks and client requests. You can send these files via curl command to the server to emulate the real requests. You can emulate the following actions:

  • setting the interview

    curl -vX POST -d @stubs/interview.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" 

    Note that if you want to test the scheduler you need to change the start_date inside interview.json to be the valid date in the future. Server will send the reminder to the Redis channel immediately and schedule the sending of reminders at 6 p.m. before the event day, at 7 a.m. in the event day and an hour in advance.

  • resetting the interview

    Send the same request as above but change the start_date. The reminders will be rescheduled.

  • setting the first working day

    curl -vX POST -d @stubs/fwd.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

    Note that you need to replace the employment_date to the valid date in the future. The server will send the reminder to the Redis channel immediately and schedule the removing of the candidate instance in a day after the first working day at midnight (00:00 a.m.).

  • user's authorization

     curl -vX POST -d @stubs/auth.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

    It returns the valid token pair if user is registered. For the details of registering a new user see the CLI README.

  • deleting interview of the specified candidate

    Huntflow does not sent requests when interview is canceled, so we need an interface for deleting of the interviews from huntflow-reloaded-server database. To emulate it you need to

    • register the user
    • get the valid token pair (take a look at the point above)
    • get the list of the candidates with non-expired interviews
    • sent request for deleting the interview of the specified candidate
    curl -vX POST -d "access=<access_token>" -d @candidate.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

    For the details check the API README and CLI README.

  • retrieving the first working day of the specified candidate

    The huntflow-reloaded-server saves the first working day of the candidates from the Huntflow web-hook to the database. The client in its turn can request the first working day of the specified candidate. To emulate the workflow you need to

    • send the fwd request
    • get the valid token pair
    • get the list of the candidates who has first working day set
    curl -d "access=<access_token>"
    • get the first working day for the specified candidate
    curl -X GET -d "access=<access_token>" -d @candidate.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

    For the details check the API README and CLI README.

Known issues

If you use macOS you need to modify the configuration specified in docker-compose.yml.

Remove network_mode: "host" and instead specify the ports PostgreSQL and Redis listen on the following way

    - "5432:5432"

Also, see the Rocket.Chat Hubot adapter README for details how to run it on macOS.




hubot-huntflow-reloaded is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Project intended to move the Huntflow reminders to a team chat (based on Rocket.Chat)








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Contributors 4
