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Ticketmaster Innovation website

This is a GitHub Pages repo for the Ticketmaster Innovation website.


Get started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. cd to the project directory
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run bower install

Run the server locally

  1. Run npm start (or gulp serve)

Build for production and deploy

  1. npm run build (or gulp)
  2. Commit any new files that appear in assets/
  3. Merge your changes to master (you were working on a dev branch, right?)

To do

  • Slim down the dev stack (remove Bower?)

Development stack

  • Bundler for the GitHub Pages gem and its dependencies (including Jekyll)
  • npm for Gulp, Bower, and other dev tools
  • Gulp for running tasks (minifying, building SCSS files, etc.)
  • Bower for managing the Foundation framework and other dependencies