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aendrew edited this page Oct 21, 2014 · 1 revision

axisJS is a light Angular-based app for generating charts. It combines with the AxisWP WordPress plugin to add rich charting capabilities to WordPress.

"What, another chart tool?"

I know what you're thinking. "Why do I need another charting tool? What advantages does this one have over the others?"

Charts are not very complex things. One only need to look at the multitude of JavaScript charting libraries to get an idea of how many times this particular wheel has been reinvented. Yet, although it's generally not too difficult to get a particular library working in a descriptive enough fashion, the barrier to entry is often a willingness to play with code. Particularly in the case of D3.js, this could also mean an enormous amount of trial and error.

axisJS attempts to create an interface to these charting libraries, enabling them to be used in an exploratory fashion. While it's pretty tightly coupled to C3.js at the moment, the goal is to abstract everything to a point where writing an adapter for any given library is a fairly straight-forward endeavour. axisJS also adds additional newsroom-focused functionality currently missing from such libraries, such as SVG and PNG output.