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Tiger Quant

该量化框架是基于vnpy的一个java 版本实现,里面集成了一些量化基础功能,同时接入了老虎证券API接口。


  • 支持Windows、Linux、Mac等常见操作系统。
  • JDK 1.8 及以上。


1. 导出项目到本地


2. 编写策略

tquant-algorithm 模块下实现自己的策略类(也可以直接运行示例策略)。一个简单的策略大致如下:

    public class BestLimitAlgo extends AlgoTemplate {

      public BestLimitAlgo() {

      public BestLimitAlgo(Map<String, Object> settings) {

      public void init() {
        this.direction = (String) settings.get("direction");
        this.volume = (Integer) settings.get("volume");
        this.symbol = (String) settings.get("symbol");

      public void onStart() {
        barGenerator = new BarGenerator(bar -> onBar(bar));
        //订阅 AAPL 行情
        List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<>();
      public void onTick(Tick tick) {
      private void buyBestLimit() {
        int orderVolume = volume - traded;
        orderPrice = lastTick.getBidPrice();
        if (orderPrice < 10) {
          buy(symbol, orderPrice, orderVolume, OrderType.LMT);
      private void sellBestLimit() {
        int orderVolume = volume - traded;
        orderPrice = lastTick.getAskPrice();
        if (orderPrice > 12) {
          sell(symbol, orderPrice, orderVolume, OrderType.LMT);
      public void onOrder(Order order) {
      public void onTrade(Trade trade) {
      public void onBar(Bar bar) {
        log("onBar {}", bar);

实现的策略类需要继承 AlgoTemplate类,这样即可调用封装好的一些方法,同时自动注入策略配置项。常用的封装方法包括:buy,sell等下单功能,onBar(K线),onOrder(订单),onTick(实时行情)等实时事件,还有一些券商封装的api接口以及日志功能等。

3. 完成对应的策略配置及券商接入配置


4. 编译运行策略


mvn -U clean install  -Dmaven.test.skip=true

等命令执行完成后,会在 tquant-bootstraptarget目录下生成可执行jar包:tquant-bootstrap-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar, 把该jar包以及algo_setting.jsongateway_setting.json拷贝到指定目录后,再通过执行如下命令即可运行策略:

    java -jar tquant-bootstrap-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -a /yourpath/algo_setting.json -g /yourpath/tiger_gateway_setting.json

调试阶段也可以通过IDE来运行,通过配置TigerQuantBootstrap的启动参数即可。如在Idea编辑器里的配置如下: tquant-bootstrap

5. 停止执行策略

有些策略是在程序里自动退出的,也有一些策略是一直运行的,如想停止对应的策略,可以在命令行下执行ps命令查出项目运行的进程 pid,再执行kill命令停止策略运行。 kill命令执行时会同时执行项目的stop方法回调。

    ps -ef|grep TigerQuantBootstrap
    kill {pid}




每个算法文件对应一个配置项,配置项的Key与策略Java文件名称要保持一致。 配置项中必填参数如下:

  • enable:是否启用该策略。true 启用,false 不启用

  • class:策略算法对应的文件全路径名

  • 其他参数为自选参数,在策略启动时会自动注册到策略中。

  • 配置实例

  "BestLimitAlgo": {
    "enable": false,
    "direction": "BUY",
    "volume": 100,
    "symbol": "00700"
  "DmaAlgo": {
    "enable": false,
    "direction": "BUY",
    "price": 13.2,
    "volume": 100
  "SpreadAlgo": {
    "enable": true,
    "symbol": "SPY",
    "bars": 100


全局配置文件名:global_setting.json , 在tquant-core模块 resources 目录下。

  • log.enable:是否开启日志开关。true 打开,false 关闭
  • log.level:日志级别,默认info级别。取值包括 error,warn,info
  • log.console:日志是否输出到控制台。true 输出到控制台,false 不输出到控制台
  • log.file:日志是否输出到文件。true 输出到文件,false 不输出到文件
  • log.path:日志输出到文件的路径。支持绝对路径和相对路径。默认当前项目下的log目录
  • storage.enable:是否开启持久化存储。true 开启,false 不开启
  • subscribe.enable: 是否开启API长连接订阅,默认为 false,开启后会通过长连接回调方法获取实时行情,交易订单变更,持仓和资产变更等。未开启的话可以通过API接口获取对应数据。
  • contract.load.enable: 是否在启动时开启合约加载,默认为 false,开启后会通过本地数据库加载全量合约,需要配合tquant-loader中的合约加载功能一块儿使用。



  • gateway:固定为TigerGateway
  • apiLogEnable:是否开启SDK的日志记录
  • apiLogPath:SDK日志文件输出路径,默认当前项目下的log目录


  • tigerId:开发者账号ID

  • account:开发者交易账号,可以是老虎综合账号或模拟账号。

  • privateKey:开发者自己生成的RSA私钥

  • 配置实例

  "gateway": "TigerGateway",
  "apiLogEnable": true,
  "apiLogPath": "log/",
  "tigerId": "2015xxxx",
  "account": "20190419163707900",
  "privateKey": "MIICeQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmMwggJfAgEAAoGBAL7..."


Thetagang是我们封装的一个期权策略,策略的意图是赚取theta(时间价值)流失的钱,该策略最初是在reddit论坛里发起,是一个比较成熟的期权策略。 具体介绍可以参考:




 "ThetaGangAlgo": {
    "enable": true, //是否启用策略
    "class":"com.tquant.algorithm.algos.ThetaGangAlgo", //对应策略实现的代码路径
    "account": {
      "account_id": "20190419163107900", //使用的账号信息,可以配置为模拟账号或综合账号
      "cancel_orders": true, //策略执行前,是否要取消已经挂出去的订单
      "margin_usage": 0.5, //该策略要使用的资金占总资产的比例,如 0.5 表示为 50%
    "option_chains": {
      "expirations": 4, //从期权链上加载的到期日数量
      "strikes": 15 //从期权链上加载的行权价数量
    "roll_when": {
      "pnl": 0.9, //盈亏(pnl)到达 90% 时,需要滚动持仓
      //或者,当离到期日<=15天,并且盈亏至少到min_pnl (min_pnl默认为0)时。
      //注意:对于期权最终是深度 ITM 的情况,特别是在卖出套期保值(covered call)的时候,盈亏有可能是负数、
      "dte": 15, 
      "min_pnl": 0.2,
      //可选的: 当盈亏达到这个阈值时,创建一个平仓单。
      "close_at_pnl": 0.99,
      "calls": {
        "itm": true,
        "credit_only": false //只有在有合适的contract可用时,才会进行滚动,从而获得一个 credit。
      "puts": {
        "itm": false,
        "credit_only": false //只有在有合适的contract可用时,才会进行滚动,从而获得一个 credit。
    "write_when": {
      "calls": {
        "green": true, //可选的,只有在对应标的上涨时才会write。
        //有了套期保值(covered call),我们就可以通过这个因素来限定写的套期保值的数量。
        //在0.5时,我们只写 50%的头寸。这个值必须在1和0之间(含)。
        "cap_factor": 1
      "puts": {
        "red": true  //可选的,只有在对应标的下跌时才会write。
    "target": {
      "dte": 45,  // Target 45 or more days to expiry
      "delta": 0.3,  //Target delta of 0.3 or less. Defaults to 0.3 if not specified.
      // When writing new contracts (either covered calls or naked puts), or rolling
      // before `roll_when.dte` is reached, never write more than this amount of
      // contracts at once. This can be useful to avoid bunching by spreading contract
      // placement out over time (and possibly expirations) in order to protect
      // yourself from large swings. This value does not affect rolling existing
      // contracts to the next expiration. This value is expressed as a percentage of
      // buying power based on the market price of the underlying ticker, as a range
      // from [0.0-1.0].
      // Once the `roll_when.dte` date is reached, all the remaining positions are
      // rolled regardless of the current position quantity.
      // Defaults to 5% of buying power. Set this to 1.0 to effectively disable the
      // limit.
      "maximum_new_contracts_percent": 0.05, 
      // Minimum amount of open interest for a contract to qualify
      "minimum_open_interest": 10

    // Optional: specify delta separately for puts/calls. Takes precedent over
    //  [target.puts]
    //  delta = 0.5
    //  [target.calls]
    //  delta = 0.3
    "symbols": {
        # NOTE: Please change these symbols and weights according to your preferences.
        # These are provided only as an example for the purpose of configuration. These
        # values were chosen as sane values should someone decide to run this code
        # without changes, however it is in no way a recommendation or endorsement.
        # You can specify the weight either as a percentage of your buying power (which
        # is calculated as your NLV * account.margin_usage), or in terms of parts. Parts
        # are summed from all symbols, then the weight is calculated by dividing the
        # parts by the total parts.
        # You should try to choose ETFs or stocks that:
        #  1) Have sufficient trading volume for the underlying
        #  2) Have standard options contracts (100 shares per contract)
        #  3) Have options with sufficient open interest and trading volume
        # The target delta may also be specified per-symbol, and takes precedence over
        # `` or `target.puts/`. You can specify a value for the
        # symbol, or override individually for puts/calls.
      "SPY": {
        "weight": 0.4
      "AAPL": {
        "weight": 0.3
      "MSFT": {
        "weight": 0.3




