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Code used to perform the numerical simulations in my PhD Thesis


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WavePI (Parameter Identification for Wave Equations)

© 2017-2019 Thies Gerken, University of Bremen,

Developed as part of my PhD-Project Dynamic Inverse Problems for Wave Phenomena

sample reconstruction


  • cmake >= 2.8.8
  • deal.II >= 9.1.0-pre
  • boost >= 1.62
  • gtest >= 1.8.0 (optional)

Note that deal.II has to be configured with TBB, MPI and UMFPACK support (either bundled or external). I use


for configuring deal.II.

How to Build

Compile using N parallel jobs:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -jN

Generate Eclipse Project Files: (Do not do this in a child directory)

cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION=4.7 -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j1 /path/to/wavepi

Change Build type to release (no assertions, typically runs 10 times faster):

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Use the same command with Debug to go back. There are also make targets that switch the build type. To only build the documentation (Doxygen), run make doc inside the build directory. The command make run-doc will also open the result in a Browser


Add -DWAVEPI_WITH_MPI to the cmake invokation to enable MPI support. In this case, MPI is used to parallelize PDE solutions for different right hand sides.


This project uses Google Test. Run the test suite using the binary wavepi_test (only built if gtest was found). You can also list all tests (--gtest_list_tests) and only run a subset of them (--gtest_filter="[filter]", wildcards are allowed). Currently, a few of the tests should fail (L2 Adjoint to the wave equation by integrating backwards is not as good as WaveEquationAdjoint, and is not even correct if $\nu\neq 0$).

When using CMake >= 3.10, one can also run the tests using ctest. Just run ctest in the build directory. ctest -V also shows test output, ctest -N lists all tests and ctest -R <regex> runs all tests that match the specified regex (use .* instead of *!). If you want colors using ctest, run export GTEST_COLOR=1 beforehand.

Remarks on the Code

It is common C++ practice to put all the code of templated classes into the header file, because the compiler needs to instantiate them for every compilation unit. For classes/functions that only depend on the space dimension as a template parameter, I ignored this rule and just added instances for one, two and three dimensions to increase compilation speed, as is common also in deal.II.

Shell Autocompletion (ZSH)

Put (or symlink) completions.zsh in ~/.zsh-completions and make sure you have the following lines in ~/.zshrc:

fpath=($HOME/.zsh-completions $fpath)
autoload -U compinit


Code used to perform the numerical simulations in my PhD Thesis






