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Convert the Facebook Draft.js editor’s raw ContentState to Wagtail's DB-HTML representation

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Convert the Facebook Draft.js editor’s raw ContentState to Wagtail's DB-HTML.

Output format

Wagtail's DB-HTML content representation is an HTML-like XML syntax, with a few custom elements and attributes.

Here are examples of representations specific to this format:

<!-- Bold -->
<!-- Italic -->
<!-- Image -->
<embed alt="Right-aligned image" embedtype="image" format="right" id="49"/>
<!-- Embed -->
<embed embedtype="media" url=""/>
<!-- Document link -->
<a id="1" linktype="document">document link</a>
<!-- Internal page link -->
<a id="42" linktype="page">internal page link</a>

Differences in format compared to Wagtail 1 processing

There are a number of differences between the DB-HTML coming from Wagtail 1's rich text processing pipeline, and the DB-HTML produced from Draft.js ContentState by draftjs_exporter.

The reasons for those differences are:

  • Wagtail 1's DB-HTML comes from Hallo, which doesn't provide much control over its HTML output.
  • Working on arbitrary HTML from the editor, Wagtail's DB-HTML pipeline doesn't normalise ambiguous representations.
  • In contrast, draftjs_exporter operates on a more constrained format with less potential for ambiguities.
  • drafjs_exporter also further constraints its output to normalise potentially ambiguous representations.

Spacing unicode character

Hallo inserts \u00a0 after a comma in some cases (no-break space).

<!-- DB-HTML from Hallo in Wagtail -->

Order of tags for multiple styles

  • Hallo wraps style tags in the order they are used in the editor
  • draftjs_exporter always wraps style tags in the same order (alphabetical) (
<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
<i><b>italic bold</b></i>
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail, regardless of activation order -->
<b><i>italic bold</i></b>

Wrapping in p tags

  • Hallo frequently wraps content within p tags.
  • draftjs_exporter only outputs p tags for individual blocks of type UNSTYLED (the editor's default format).
<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
    <ul><li>Unordered list item 1</li></ul>
    <p>Horizontal rule:</p>
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail -->
<ul><li>Unordered list item 1</li></ul>
<p>Horizontal rule:</p>

<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
    <embed embedtype="media" url=""/>
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail -->
<embed embedtype="media" url=""/>

Line breaks

  • Hallo's behavior has yet to be defined.
  • Draftail always inserts empty blocks for empty lines, and line breaks when using the "soft line break" control / keyboard shortcut.
<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
<ol><li>Ordered list item 1<br/></li></ol>
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail -->
<ol><li>Ordered list item 1</li></ol>

<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail -->

<!-- DB-HTML of Wagtail with Hallo -->
    <embed alt="Full width image" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="1"/>
<!-- DB-HTML of draftjs_exporter with Draftail -->
<embed alt="Full-width image" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="1"/>

To test further

Overlapping style ranges


Requirements: virtualenv, pyenv, twine

git clone
cd draftjs_exporter_wagtaildbhtml/
# Install the git hooks.
# Install the Python environment.
virtualenv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
make init
# Install required Python versions
pyenv install --skip-existing 2.7.11
pyenv install --skip-existing 3.4.4
pyenv install --skip-existing 3.5.1
# Make required Python versions available globally.
pyenv global system 2.7.11 3.4.4 3.5.1


make help            # See what commands are available.
make init            # Install dependencies and initialise for development.
make lint            # Lint the project.
make test            # Test the project.
make test-watch      # Restarts the tests whenever a file changes.
make test-coverage   # Run the tests while generating test coverage data.
make test-ci         # Continuous integration test suite.
make dev             # Restarts the example whenever a file changes.
make clean-pyc       # Remove Python file artifacts.
make publish         # Publishes a new version to pypi.


  • Always run the tests. npm install -g nodemon, then make test-watch.
  • Use a debugger. pip install ipdb, then import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace().


Convert the Facebook Draft.js editor’s raw ContentState to Wagtail's DB-HTML representation



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