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The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the usage of spring cloud stack and some of the microservices patterns


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Super Cloud Surfer Microservices

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the usage of spring cloud stack and some of the microservices patterns


Component Port Purpose
config-server 8888 Serves configuration stored on git repository to all services
eureka-server 8761 Service Discovery, dinamically add/register new containers
zuul-server 8765 Server as a single entrypoint for all microservices, centralizes authentication
uaa-server 9999 Authorization server that issues JWT tokens
zipkin-server 9411 Distributed Tracing, tracks the microservices requests to other microservices, show failures between requests
zipkin-ui 80 UI for zipkin service
kafka-zookeeper 9092 Serves as a buffer for the zipkin server, the microservices pushes/produces the events to kafka stream and zipkin consumes the stream of events and persists to elasticsearch
elasticsearch 9200 Storage for zipkin server
users-service 8001 Manages User entity
boards-service 8002 Manages Board entity
quivers-service 8003 Manages Quiver entity
