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Package manager for private Dart & Flutter projects.


  • Secure - Web app is protected with hashed and salted password authentication (OpenID authentication support is planned to be implemented)
  • Customizable - The project is fully open source with restrictive license. So you can modify core parts to fit your organization's needs
  • Configurable - You can configure every single configurable part of the project from using different storage solutions to using different database sources.
  • Access Controls - You can define individual access controls for individual packages in the platform. (Global and role based access controls planned to be implemented)


Docker (suggested)

Pull official Courier image from GitHub Container registry and run it inside docker or any OCI supported container runtime.

docker pull


Standalone installation requires .NET 6 ASP.NET Core SDK to be installed on target machine.

If you have .NET 6.0 SDK already installed you can clone source repository, use build script to build it and start using.

# Clone
git clone

# Build
cd courier

# Run
cd publish
dotnet Courier.dll

Note: .NET SDK required for building source code. If you have prebuilt binaries you'll only need to install .NET Runtime which is slightly lightweight installation of .NET.


Application configuration could be done either using environment variables or appsettings.Production.json file. Configuration provided via environment variables will override json configurations.

Config key Description
Archives.Type Archive storage type (local, s3)
Archives.Local.Directory Local directory for storing archives
Archives.Local.Origin Public server origin (
Archives.Local.UrlPrefix URL path prefix for download URLs
Archives.S3.AccessKey S3 access key ID
Archives.S3.SecretKey S3 access key secret
Archives.S3.Region AWS region identifier
Archives.S3.BucketName S3 bucket name
Archives.S3.StorageClass S3 storage class for archives
Archives.S3.ArchiveDirectory S3 subdirectory for uploading archives
Authentication.AllowSignUp Whether to allow registration using the dashboard
ConnectionStrings Database connection strings
Server.BaseUrl Application public URL
Provider Database provider (postgres, sqlite)

The following table displays list of first class configuration options supported by Courier server. If you provide configs using json file, the dot on config keys represents child objects.

  "Authentication": {
    "AllowSignUp": false

For passing configurations using environment variables replace dots on config keys with double underline (__). The above configuration could be passed with the following environment variable.

export Authentication__AllowSignUp=false


Courier server currently supports using SQLite or PostgreSQL server as data source. To connect to a database you have to configure 2 config parameters: Provider, ConnectionStrings.

Provider value could be either "postgres" or "sqlite" respectively corresponding to PostgreSQL and SQLite databases. Connection strings used to represent database connection details to database drivers. Each database provider accepts different set of configurations. Parameters are represented as a string, each key value delimitered by equal (=) joined with semicolon (;).

SQLite - ConnectionStrings.SqliteConnection

SQLite connection strings does look like the following.

Data Source=/path/to/data.db;Cache=Shared

PostgreSQL - ConnectionStrings.PostgresConnection

Example PostgreSQL connection string looks like that:



Courier server currently supports limited set of storage backends which includes: local and s3 - that could be configured using Archives.Type config.

Local storage backend stores archives on disk and serves using them using courier server. To use local storage backend you have to set Archives.Local.Directory and Archives.Local.Origin configs. On containerized environments don't forget to mount volume from host machine and use mounted directory for storing archives, otherwise restarting container will result in data loss.

If you want to store content on cloud, you can use S3 storage backend by configuring the following config keys: Archives.S3.AccessKey, Archives.S3.SecretKey, Archives.S3.Region, Archives.S3.BucketName.

Note: Currently only S3 buckets storeed on AWS is supported. Migrating to cloud provider independent S3 storage manager is planned to be developed.