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Paul Mansour edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 8 revisions

Special functions are provided for constructing HTML tables.

The NewTable function takes a matrix of cell values (text vectors) and optional header and footer values, and produces a table:

      d←2 3⍴'One' 'Two' 'Three' 'Four' 'Five' 'Six'
      h←'Col1' 'Col2' 'Col3'
      t←A.NewTable d h
      DOM2HTML t

Once the table is created as a DOM object, additional helper functions may be used to extract sets of cell (td and th) elements:

      b←A.BodyCells t
2 3
      b.class←(⍴b)⍴'left' 'right' 'right'

Helper functions include Cells , BodyCells , HeaderCells , and FooterCells. These functions all return matrices of td and th elements.

Header and footer cells, usually specified as vectors rather than matrices, will always return matrices.