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Laravel Docker Template

A simple docker environment installer for Laravel.

1. What's included

  • Docker
  • Nginx
  • MariaDB
  • Redis
  • Supervisor
  • Cron
  • Swagger
  • PHPUnit Cover Generate

2. How to Start

Simple! All you have to do is to follow these 3 steps:

2.1 Create a new Laravel project

You can start with any Laravel stack you want, but in this example let's keep it simple.

If you are using Laravel Installer

laravel new src

or with composer

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel src

2.2 Run the installer

Go to assets folder and run the install file

cd assets/
chmod +x installer

2.3 Run Docker Compose

Back to the root folder, just run the docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose up --build -d

That's it!

3. Wait, what just happened

Well, i told you it was simple. If you wanna know more, read the full explained documentation.