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This program is used to upload log data, and search for IP addresses and the GeoIP and RDAP info about them. It is a web application written in Python2 using Flask, and MySql. It also uses a Dockerized version of freegeoip since their site has a 15,000/hr restriction. By using their Dockerfile, I'm able to still perform an API call, but without any restrictions. RDAP look ups use

How to install

Installation is just a matter of downloading the git repo for this site and for freegeoip.
This runs on a Ubuntu 16.04, and you will need to install Docker. Here's a good site that tells you how to install it:

Installing IPSearch:

git clone

Install MySql docker

From the directory that you just downloaded IPSearch, run the script. This will setup a MySql container.

Get the geoip

Next you will want to find another directory to download freegeoip, the directory just above python_challenge will do. From there, run:

git clone
docker build -t mygeoip .
docker run --name mygeogeo -d -p 8080:8080 -t mygeoip

Install Flask and the IPSearch app

docker build -t ipfind .
docker run --name fbg3 --link mygeogeo --link some-mysql -d -p 8081:80 -t ipfind

If you get flag --link: Invalid format to parse. mygeogeo should match template name:alias then change to these links:

 --link mygeogeo:latest --link some-mysql:5.7

When everything is run, it will look like this:

~/python_challenge$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                           NAMES
2f1d4bc4c2cf        ipfind              "/usr/bin/supervisord"   4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds        443/tcp,>80/tcp   fbg3
67f99038759b        mygeoip             "/go/bin/freegeoip"      23 minutes ago      Up 23 minutes>8080/tcp          mygeogeo
4aa71f284288        mysql:5.7           ""   47 minutes ago      Up 47 minutes       3306/tcp                        some-mysql

How to Use

Before you can search, you will need to upload some data. You can pick any file that contains IP addresses. At this time, the program only supports IPv4.

Uploading files

To upload a file, click "Choose File" and pick from a text file with IP addresses. Then click "Upload". If you get a 502 Bad Gateway error, it means you clicked "Upload" before you clicked "Choose File". After clicking "Upload", click "Parse". This will begin the parsing process. While parsing is going on, you can still search. There will be a status that gets reported to let you know when the parsing is complete.

Query language

The query language is fairly simple. It is a field name is quotes followed by a comparison operator and then a value in quotes. These expressions can be separated by "and" or "or" and can be chained.

For example:

"city" = "austin" or "region" = "colorado"

If you click search with nothing in the field (a blank search), then all rows are returned.

Comparison operators that are supported are: =, !=, >, < Note searches are case insensitive, and that unicode is fully supported.

Here are all the fields: ip, ipcount, rdap_name, rdap_org_name, lat, lng, city, region, regioncode, country, countrycode

Where region is like Colorado or Texas, and regioncode is like CO, and TX.


  • When MySql dies, it doesn't restart and no indication is given to the user of this problem
  • Not a multiuser application.
  • Cannot delete any data
  • Like statement not supported
  • since I'm doing a left side function in sql (to support case insensitive searches), an index would never be used. Need to figure out how to get utf8 to be case insensitive
  • IPV6 support
  • CIDR support
  • Improve UI so it is clearer on the order of what you need to do and provide on screen instruction