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tespirit edited this page Oct 6, 2010 · 5 revisions

The very first thing you need to do is download the Android SDK and Eclipse:

Currently Android doesn't have good support for making a packaged library, so for now the easiest way to create a project is to download the source and then copy the pandroid project and then just make your own activity file and delete the Pandamonium activity.

To do this, get git and clone this repo. If you don't know how to do that, first follow the instructions for getting git and creating an ssh key and then in the folder you want to download the pandadroid workspace, type this in a git bash shell: git clone

If you are working on the actual pandadroid code, you can skip this paragraph. After that is done, then copy the pandroid folder and name it the name you want your project to be. Then you can rename Pandamonium and the package it is in to the name of your project. Then just be sure to open the AndroidManafest.xml file in the root folder and change the default package and the activity name. After that, change the values in the strings.xml (under the values folder) to reflect the name of your app. Yeah, I know, this currently defeats the purpose of easy to use, but we're in like alpha alpha stages.

To get Bamporter working, you need to install jogl and set eclipse to look at it as a user library. Basically follow these instructions on and make sure you name your library jogl. Once that is set, the bamporter project should work. If it isn't, make sure you got the right jogl build for the correct chipset (it'll crash otherwise) otherwise set up your build path to make sure it's pointing to the jogl library (right click on the bamporter project and go to build paths -> configure paths and then go to the library to set it up).