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A command line client to interact with Telekom Voice Platform. It can be used to invoke skills/intents of the "Hallo Magenta!" Voice Assistant and is a helper tool for testing the Voice Skill SDK repository.



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Voice Platform Commandline Client


A commandline client to interact with Telekom Voice Platform. Type help to see all available commands.


  • Invoke via text
  • Invoke via audio
  • Retrieve conversation history entries
  • Stored commands: You can define often used commands in commands.txt and execute them using ! [n], which executes the command in line [n]. List all stored commands with !.
  • Device metadata: You can define the device metadata in options.json.
  • Device capabilities: You can define the device capabilities in options.json.
  • Repeat last command with !!
  • Password database


  1. JDK 8
  2. Maven >3.5

Running via Maven

mvn clean package exec:java -Dexec.args="--apikey <PUT-API-KEY> --idm-client-id <PUT-IDM-CLIENT-ID>"

You can omit the clean package phases after first invocation of the above command.


Start with --help to see commandline options.

usage: voice-cli
 -a,--apikey <arg>          Sets the API key
 -c,--idm-client-id <arg>   Sets the Telekom IDM Client ID
 -h,--help                  Prints this help

Password database

The client contains a password database. The available passwords are stored in the file passwords.txt. Each line is a username/password pair, separated by space.

The available credentials can be listed with print-passwords.

When asked for a username or password, the password database can be queried by entering ?. A username / password can be selected by entering ! <num>. To access the first username / password, enter ! 1.


passwords.txt contains

alice super-secret-a
bob super-secret-b

When asked for a username, ! 1 selects "alice", ! 2 selects "bob". When asked for a password, ! 1 selects "super-secret-a", ! 2 selects "super-secret-b". Entering ? lists all available entries.


In the file options.json you can define multiple options:

  "serialNumber": "xxx", // Serial number of the device
  "dynamicDeviceMetadata": {
    "zipCode": "81549" // can be arbitray key-value map
  "wakeUpWord": "Hallo Magenta", // Wake up word, if all audio is streamed including the wakeup word
  "capabilities": "ssml no-ncs" // Device capabilities

If this file doesn't exist, default values are assumed:

  "serialNumber": null,
  "dynamicDeviceMetadata": {},
  "wakeUpWord": null,
  "capabilities": null


Login with Telekom IDM

Command: login-idm

Ask for the weather

Command: invoke-text Wie ist das Wetter in Frankfurt
Server: Das aktuelle Wetter in Frankfurt am Main ist 4 Grad und regnerisch


  1. Install JDK 8
  2. Run mvn clean package
  3. Check the target folder for a voice-cli-*

How tos

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant in version 2.0 as our code of conduct. Please see the details in our All contributors must abide by the code of conduct.

Working Language

We decided to apply English as the primary project language.

Consequently, all content will be made available primarily in English. We also ask all interested people to use English as language to create issues, in their code (comments, documentation etc.) and when you send requests to us. The application itself and all end-user facing content will be made available in other languages as needed.


The full documentation for the telekom can be found in TBD

Support and Feedback

The following channels are available for discussions, feedback, and support requests:

Type Channel
Other Requests

How to Contribute

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Our commitment to open source means that we are enabling -in fact encouraging- all interested parties to contribute and become part of its developer community.


Copyright (c) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.

Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License by reviewing the file LICENSE in the repository.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A command line client to interact with Telekom Voice Platform. It can be used to invoke skills/intents of the "Hallo Magenta!" Voice Assistant and is a helper tool for testing the Voice Skill SDK repository.




Code of conduct

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