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Danny Price edited this page May 19, 2017 · 2 revisions

Your first blocks

If you're lucky, all the bits and pieces you need to build your pipeline are already blocks in bifrost. More likely, you have a particular algorithm you'd like to plug in. For this, you'll need to create a new block. This basically comes down to definining a class with two mandatory functions: on_sequence(), which is called whenever a new sequence is started, and on_data(), which is called whenever there is new data ready at the ring buffer.


A TransformBlock reads data from one ring buffer, does something to it, and then writes it out. Take this example, which adds a runtime-specified value to every element in the ring buffer:

class UselessAddBlock(bfp.TransformBlock):
    def __init__(self, iring, n_to_add, *args, **kwargs):
        super(UselessAddBlock, self).__init__(iring, *args, **kwargs)
        self.n_to_add = n_to_add
    def on_sequence(self, iseq):
        ohdr = deepcopy(iseq.header)
        ohdr["name"] += "_with_added_value"
        return ohdr
    def on_data(self, ispan, ospan):
        in_nframe  = ispan.nframe
        out_nframe = in_nframe
        idata = 
        odata =
        odata[...] = idata + self.n_to_add
        return out_nframe

This is a new class that subclasses TransformBlock. First, let's look at the __init__ method. This takes two parameters:

  • iring - an input ring buffer. This argument is required, but bifrost handles the setup of the ring buffers.
  • n_to_add - this is a new argument that we've added ourselves.

The super(UselessAddBlock, self) call passes the iring, and optional *args and **kwargs on to the parent class for initialization.

Next, we have an on_sequence() method that is called whenever a new sequence arrives. For example, reading a new file may trigger a new sequence, with new metadata in the header. The on_sequence() method requires an iseq argument, and needs to output its own sequence header. The deepcopy is (currently) required to make sure the original dictionary isn't passed on by accident. Note that all we are doing here is changing the name by appending a string.

Finally, there's the on_data() method that requires an ispan and ospan argument, for reading and writing data in and out of the ring buffers. on_data() needs to return the number of frames in the output span.


A SinkBlock also needs an on_sequence() and on_data() method, but doesn't need to output anything, so neither method should return anything. Here is a simple block to print stuff to screen:

class PrintStuffBlock(bfp.SinkBlock):
    def __init__(self, iring, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PrintStuffBlock, self).__init__(iring, *args, **kwargs)
        self.n_iter = 0
    def on_sequence(self, iseq):
        print("[%s]" %
        self.n_iter = 0
    def on_data(self, ispan):
        now =
        if self.n_iter % 100 == 0:
            print("[%s] %s" % (now,
        self.n_iter += 1

Note that on_data() shall not have an ospan argument!


The SourceBlock is a little trickier to get up and going as it requires some fun with context managers. The source block also has the important task of setting up all the metadata required to make bifrost work -- a little extra effort at the start allows useful metadata to propagate through the full pipeline, simplifying future blocks.

Here is the source code for the binary_io block to read from data saved using the useful numpy.tofile():

class BinaryFileRead(object): 
    """ Simple file-like reading object for pipeline testing
        filename (str): Name of file to open
        dtype (np.dtype or str): datatype of data, e.g. float32. This should be a *numpy* dtype,
                                 not a bifrost.ndarray dtype (eg. float32, not f32)
        gulp_size (int): How much data to read per gulp, (i.e. sub-array size)
    def __init__(self, filename, gulp_size, dtype):
        super(BinaryFileRead, self).__init__()
        self.file_obj = open(filename, 'r')
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.gulp_size = gulp_size
    def read(self):
        d = np.fromfile(self.file_obj, dtype=self.dtype, count=self.gulp_size)
        return d
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def close(self):
    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):

class BinaryFileReadBlock(bfp.SourceBlock):
    """ Block for reading binary data from file and streaming it into a bifrost pipeline
        filenames (list): A list of filenames to open
        gulp_size (int): Number of elements in a gulp (i.e. sub-array size)
        gulp_nframe (int): Number of frames in a gulp. (Ask Ben / Miles for good explanation)
        dtype (bifrost dtype string): dtype, e.g. f32, cf32
    def __init__(self, filenames, gulp_size, gulp_nframe, dtype, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BinaryFileReadBlock, self).__init__(filenames, gulp_nframe, *args, **kwargs)
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.gulp_size = gulp_size
    def create_reader(self, filename):
        print "Loading %s" % filename
        # Do a lookup on bifrost datatype to numpy datatype
        dcode = self.dtype.rstrip('0123456789')
        nbits = int(self.dtype[len(dcode):])
        np_dtype = name_nbit2numpy(dcode, nbits)
        return BinaryFileRead(filename, self.gulp_size, np_dtype)
    def on_sequence(self, ireader, filename):        
        ohdr = {'name': filename,
                '_tensor': {
                        'dtype':  self.dtype,
                        'shape':  [-1, self.gulp_size],
        return [ohdr]
    def on_data(self, reader, ospans):
        indata =
        if indata.shape[0] == self.gulp_size:
            ospans[0].data[0] = indata
            return [1]
            return [0]

As bifrost requires a reader with baked-in context management, we have explicitly created a BinaryFileRead object that has an __enter__ and __exit__ method; these are mandatory. This also has a crucially important read() function, to read data into the ring.

The second class, BinaryFileReadBlock is doing the reading, and again has an on_sequence() and on_data() method. There is also a mandatory create_reader method, that does some setup, in this case of the file handler.

The _tensor dict

The on_sequence() method has an important job to setup the header metadata. This requires a mandatory (and unique name) and making a _tensor dictionary that describes the dimensions and datatype of the data in each span:

ohdr = {'name': filename,
         '_tensor': {
                     'dtype':  self.dtype,
                     'shape':  [-1, self.gulp_size],

A complete pipeline

Putting it all together, we have this complete pipeline below, which reads from a file, adds something to it with out UselessAddBlock, and then prints out some diagnostic info with our PrintStuffBlock. This is also available in the testbench directory in the repository.


This testbench initializes a simple bifrost pipeline that reads from a binary file,
and then writes the data to an output file. 
import os
import numpy as np
import bifrost.pipeline as bfp
from bifrost.blocks import BinaryFileReadBlock
import glob
from datetime import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pprint

class UselessAddBlock(bfp.TransformBlock):
    def __init__(self, iring, n_to_add, *args, **kwargs):
        super(UselessAddBlock, self).__init__(iring, *args, **kwargs)
        self.n_to_add = n_to_add
    def on_sequence(self, iseq):
        ohdr = deepcopy(iseq.header)
        ohdr["name"] += "_with_added_value"
        return ohdr
    def on_data(self, ispan, ospan):
        in_nframe  = ispan.nframe
        out_nframe = in_nframe
        idata = 
        odata =
        odata[...] = idata + self.n_to_add
        return out_nframe

class PrintStuffBlock(bfp.SinkBlock):
    def __init__(self, iring, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PrintStuffBlock, self).__init__(iring, *args, **kwargs)
        self.n_iter = 0
    def on_sequence(self, iseq):
        print("[%s]" %
        self.n_iter = 0
    def on_data(self, ispan):
        now =
        if self.n_iter % 100 == 0:
            print("[%s] %s" % (now,
        self.n_iter += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Setup pipeline
    filenames   = sorted(glob.glob('testdata/sin_data*.bin'))
    b_read      = BinaryFileReadBlock(filenames, 32768, 1, 'f32')
    b_add       = UselessAddBlock(b_read, n_to_add=100)
    b_print     = PrintStuffBlock(b_read)
    b_print2    = PrintStuffBlock(b_add)

    # Run pipeline
    pipeline = bfp.get_default_pipeline()
    print pipeline.dot_graph()
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