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Windows YAFFI : Now with text and Hex searches!

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@tedsmith tedsmith released this 31 Oct 22:39
· 19 commits to master since this release

Ever had a batch of devices to image and wanted to know which images to start on first? Well now with YAFFI comes the ability for the user to conduct a search WHILST imaging (a world first?). Text, Unicode (with or without case sensitivity) and hex patterns up to 8 bytes (with hex length of any size coming soon) are now supported. The results are saved to a log file in the root of the image folder.


Note the usual caveats with compound files like PDF, XLS etc - this is merely a raw search as found on disk, so will not include results that are only "visible" decoded.

Very much a test version - tested with a limited number of searches and only small disks and very much new territory for me so feedback, benchmark speed tests and advice welcome.

Linux version coming soon...