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skoeven edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

How to build the Tectonicus project

Tectonicus is written in Java. In order to build it you'll need the Java SE Development Kit(JDK) installed on your system, preferably version 1.7 or 1.8.

Eclipse IDE

  1. Open Eclipse and then switch to the Git perspective.
  2. Click "Clone a Git repository".
  3. Set the Repository URI to (Leave the username and password blank.)
  4. Click Next, Next, then set a destination directory.
  5. Make sure Import existing Eclipse projects is selected, then click Finish.
  6. Right-click on your project in the Package Explorer and select Gradle->Refresh Gradle Project
  7. Click on Window->Show View->Other... and select Gradle->Gradle Tasks
  8. Under build tasks double-click on the 'createPackage' task
  9. If everything worked correctly, a new Tectonicus jar and zip file will have been created in the tectonicus\build\libs and tectonicus\build\distributions directories respectively.

IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Open IntelliJ and click "Check out from Version Control" -> Git on the Welcome screen or on the VCS menu.
  2. Set the Repository URL to and set a destination directory. Click Clone.
  3. Wait for the repository to download and then answer Yes when it prompts you to open an IDEA project file.
  4. Make sure a Project SDK is set in the Project Structure settings.
  5. Click 'Import Gradle project' on the notification and accept the defaults, then click OK.
  6. Click on View->Tool Windows->Gradle
  7. A new pane should open on the right with a list of the build tasks. Double-click Tasks->build->createPackage.
  8. If everything worked correctly, a new Tectonicus jar and zip file will have been created in the tectonicus\build\libs and tectonicus\build\distributions directories respectively.

NetBeans IDE

  1. First you will need to install the Gradle plugin for Netbeans. Click on Tools->Plugins go to Available Plugins and search for and install the Gradle plugin. Restart Netbeans if necessary.
  2. Then on the Team menu, point to Git then click Clone...
  3. Set the Repository URL to (Leave the username and password blank.) Set a destination folder for the repository.
  4. Click Next, Next, then Finish and wait for the repository to download. Click Yes when it asks if you wish to open the project.
  5. Hit F11 or click Run->Build Project
  6. If everything worked correctly, a new Tectonicus jar will have been created in the tectonicus\build\libs directory.