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Clickbait Generator API

Get the title for your next viral listicle using this one weird API!

See it in action here.

Some features include:

  • A RESTful API (I think it's RESTful anyways).
  • A one-pager with an AJAX-powered demo and some quick documentation. See the project spec below for more detailed information.

This was a fun challenge for me to do. I have wanted to make an API for a while now, because I have another one or two projects I want to do in the future that require the use of this API. The code powering my API is currently rather simple; it just joins two randomly sampled parts of a sentence together and returns it as a JSON object. I also have ideas for expanding this API in the future.

TDD was the main challenge this time. I attempted to stub out my DataMapper objects for some of my unit tests, but after a lot of trial and error I couldn't get it to work. I was able to find a middle ground by using Rspec's config.before(:suite) option to insert dummy data into my DB before each test. I had planned on using more JavaScript and TDD'ing that as well, but after throwing in some jQuery to see what happens I realised that I had actually solved my problem already. I decided it would be quicker to simply refactor it.

Tech used in this challenge:

  • Sinatra
  • DataMapper
  • PostgreSQL
  • jQuery
  • Rake


  1. Set up the following two databases in PostgreSQL: clickbait_development and clickbait_test.
  2. Clone this repo by running git clone
  3. Install dependencies by running bundle install (you may need to gem install bundle).



  1. Run rackup -p 4567 in the project folder.
  2. Open your favourite web browser (older versions of IE probably won't work) and navigate to localhost:4567

Accessing the API

  1. Send a GET request to localhost:4567/api to get a JSON object with a random title.
  2. Send a GET request to localhost:4567/api/<number> to get a JSON object with a semi-random title (e.g. localhost:4567/api/10).

Code Examples

Creating a Title

# ./app/models/listicle.rb
def generate(num = rand(2..50))
  { title: construct_string(num) }

def construct_string(num)
  "#{get_content(prefixes)} #{get_content(suffixes)}".
  gsub("_number_", num.to_s)

def get_content(text)

Serving JSON with Sinatra

# ./app/controllers/api.rb
get '/api' do
  headers 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*'
  content_type :json

Populating the DB with Rake

# ./Rakefile
namespace :db do
  # ... DataMapper AutoUpgrade and AutoMigrate Rake tasks ...

  desc "Populate Prefix table"
  task :populate_prefix do
    CSV.foreach("app/public/csv/prefixes.csv") do |item|
      Prefix.create(content: item.join)
      puts "Added #{item} to table"

  desc "Populate Suffix table"
  task :populate_suffix do
    CSV.foreach("app/public/csv/suffixes.csv") do |item|
      Suffix.create(content: item.join)
      puts "Added #{item} to table"

Entering Dummy Data for Tests using RSpec

# ./spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
  # ... config ...

  config.before(:each) do
    Prefix.create(content: "Top _number_ ways to")
    Suffix.create(content: "run tests.")

  config.after(:each) do

Project Spec

The Clickbait Generator is an API for retreiving a randomised text string that mimics the listicle titles used by the likes of Buzzfeed, The Huffington Post and Time. The generator can do the following:

  • Join together a a random sentence prefix and suffix for output.
  • Be accessed using a RESTful API. My hope is someone will use this useless API for something equally useless of their own.

There's also a web front-end, with the following features:

  • Some documentation on how to use the API.
  • A live demo, using AJAX to fetch a new title asynchronously.
  • Maybe social media sharing buttons. We'll see if I get round to it.

User Stories

As a User,
So that I can get a sentence suffix,
I would like to be able to retreive one from somewhere.
As a User,
So that I can get a sentence prefix,
I would like to be able to retreive one from somewhere.
As a User,
So that I can form a complete sentence,
I would like to be able to join a prefix and suffix together.
As a User,
So that I can have a very large number of possible sentences,
I would like to be able to have a random number inserted into the sentence.
As a User,
So that I can show my friends how ironic and cool I am,
I would like to be able to share my clickbait title over Twitter.
As a Developer,
So that I can access a clickbait title from anywhere,
I would like to be able to make a GET request to a route.
As a Developer,
So that I can use a clickbait title anywhere,
I would like to be able to get a title as a JSON object.


Find the title for your next viral listicle with this one weird app!






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