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Chitter Challenge

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Share your thoughts with the world using the world's second best microblogging service.

Try it out here.

Some great features:

  • Almost entirely responsive using the magic of Bootstrap (ignore the non-collapsible navigation bar, I'll fix it soon™)
  • Sign up for a user account!
  • Logging in and out works as well.

All tests are passing with 100% coverage. I ran into some issues unit testing my models, because I'm not sure how you're meant to stub out DataMapper functionality. I was able to test most of the behaviour of my models after referring to tests in one of the skills workshops we did this week, but it's still not as comprehensive as I would've liked. My comprehensive feature tests make up for this, however. I made a point of accounting for every edge case I could think of.

This challenge was difficult, but I found it not quite as hard as last weekend's challenge. I attribute this entirely to how rigid user account management is; there's only so many ways you can implement user accounts using Sinatra and DataMapper. I was able to mostly copy the user account stuff from the weekly challenge, with only slight changes made to accomodate Chitter usernames.

Overall, I'm happy with how this challenge turned out - especially considering how we only had a weekend to develop a solution. I feel my controllers are probably doing a bit too much of the heavy lifting. If I had more time, I would refactor as much of the logic as possible into my models.

This app was made for the week 4 weekend challenge for Makers Academy.

Tech used in this challenge:

  • Sinatra
  • DataMapper
  • PostgreSQL
  • BCrypt
  • TravisCI


  1. Set up the following two databases in PostgreSQL: chitter_development and chitter_test.
  2. Clone this repo by running git clone from your terminal.
  3. Install dependencies by running bundle install (you may need to gem install bundle).


  1. Run rackup -p 4567 in the project folder.
  2. Open your favourite web browser (unless it's Internet Explorer. Never open IE) and navigate to localhost:4567.

Code Examples

User Model

# ./app/models/user.rb
require 'bcrypt'

class User
  include DataMapper::Resource

  attr_accessor :password_confirmation
  attr_reader :password

  has n, :peeps

  property :id, Serial
  property :username, String, required: true, unique: true
  property :email, String, required: true, unique: true, format: :email_address
  property :password_digest, Text

  validates_confirmation_of :password

  def self.authenticate(username, password)
    user = first(username: username)
    return user if user && == password

  def password=(password)
    @password = password
    self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)

Authenticating Users

# ./app/app.rb
post '/sessions' do
  user = User.authenticate(params[:username], params[:password])
  if user
    session[:user_id] =
    redirect to '/peeps'
  else[:errors] = 'The email or password is incorrect'
    erb :'sessions/new'

Test Helpers - User Sign Up

# ./spec/helpers.rb
def sign_up(username: 'tom', email: '',
            password: 'Secret01', password_confirmation: 'Secret01')
  visit '/users/new'
  fill_in :username, with: username
  fill_in :email, with: email
  fill_in :password, with: password
  fill_in :password_confirmation, with: password_confirmation
  click_button 'Sign Up'

Testing Unique Usernames

# ./spec/features/user_creation_spec.rb
scenario "can't sign up twice with the same username" do
  expect { sign_up(username: "tom", email: "") }.to_not change(User, :count)
  expect(page).to have_content "Username is already taken"


  • This is obviously a shameless rip off of Twitter, which is owned by some rich guy called Jack. I have no money PLS NO SUE.

User Stories


As a Maker
So that I can let people know what I am doing  
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter

As a maker
So that I can see what others are saying  
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order

As a Maker
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made

As a Maker
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter


As a Maker
So that only I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter

As a Maker
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter


As a Maker
So that I can stay constantly tapped in to the shouty box of Chitter
I want to receive an email if I am tagged in a Peep


Build a Twitter Clone!






No releases published


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  • Ruby 74.8%
  • HTML 23.5%
  • CSS 1.7%