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Releases: taruntyagi697/AssetPicker


26 Aug 08:35
Choose a tag to compare

What's new in this release-

  1. Added MaximumAllowedPhotos, MaximumAllowedVideos, MaximumAllowedAssets support.
  2. Updated selection checkmark position for iPad.


20 Aug 06:39
Choose a tag to compare

What's New in this Release -

  1. Redesigned CollectionView for iPhone & iPad separate ways.
  2. Redesigned Camera Control Panel.


02 Aug 12:06
Choose a tag to compare

What's new in this release-
Added CocoaPod support for v1.2


30 Jul 15:52
Choose a tag to compare

AssetPicker is a UIViewController subclass that provides an alternative solution to UIImagePickerController.

Features :-
Have both modes within single screen (Use Library or Use Camera).
Select Multiple Assets (Photos / Videos).
Browse all the albums within one screen.
Filters :- Photos(Default), Videos, All
Supports Portrait & Landscape Modes. (Autorotation supported (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown))
Uses Blocks for completion & cancel (Maintains integrity of code)
Provides original ALAsset in returned response. (Better use it's properties)
Provides ContentsURL for both Photos & Videos. (No UIImage directly, memory issues with multiple selection)
Considers standard TabBarHeight and leaves space for that if set YES.