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Mongoose Auto Increment Plugin

The Mongoose Auto Increment Plugin is a powerful tool that simplifies the generation of auto-incrementing IDs or numbers in MongoDB using Mongoose. This plugin integrates with Mongoose, allowing you to easily enhance your schemas with automatic ID or number generation capabilities.


npm install --save mongoose-auto-increment-plugin


yarn add mongoose-auto-increment-plugin


To use the "mongoose-auto-increment" library in your project, follow these steps:

Import the plugin into your file:

const mongooseAutoIncrementPlugin = require("mongoose-auto-increment-plugin");


import mongooseAutoIncrementPlugin from "mongoose-auto-increment-plugin";

Add autoIncrement option value true in the field which should be auto incremented.

Type of the field should be Number.

const DemoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  customId: { type: Number, autoIncrement: true },

Default initial value is 0 and incremental step is 1. It can be overwrite by setting initialValue and step option.

const DemoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  anotherId: {
    type: Number,
    autoIncrement: true,
    initialValue: 10000,
    step: 10,

Add plugin in the schema



const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const mongooseAutoIncrementPlugin = require("mongoose-auto-increment-plugin");

const DemoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  customId: { type: Number, autoIncrement: true },
  anotherId: {
    type: Number,
    autoIncrement: true,
    initialValue: 10000,
    step: 10,
